The undergraduate opens car of a person of extraordinary powers to go campus goes for a spin outfit

Explode on near future net makings one car advocate the love car that driving him circles an outfit to force on the road in the school of the university, attracted a lot of views that learn younger brother to learn younger sister to envy, car advocate too too indulge among his sense of pride, drive the car not carefully into fountain, but this still is not a key.

Allegedly this car is he was in last year the satellite is fair middle-sized " enrol money immediately " on the money that the small investment that make earns buys, allegedly altogether earned 370 thousand last year, and now every month from " enrol money immediately " come up income is very steady also, so ability head pays this Panamera 4S, at present this car government coachs valence is 1.69 million, if car engine drinks water, car advocate be about to cry really do not have a tear! To protecting Shi Jie Panamera 4S this kind of batholith does not have much taller car for, enough a nuisance, water had wided half wheel, also also wided whole exhaust chrysanthemum.

This but good, want to draw the attention that learns younger sister, became instead learn younger sister people jest!