" an eight-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme "

" peaceful of ● of an eight-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme arranges corridor bridge "

Author / Ji Lin (Hangzhou)

Hole palace wild goose sways Yo hill wall, Xi of Tian Jin of divine water emperor is horizontal.

Character 8 makes up crane of bridge dwell sea, mu Pingshi arch calls out Lin Ying.

Shao Hui locks up city of river outskirt cliff, bend of rain of Gu Cuixi settleclear luck.

Enrage ground of treasure of prosperous of peaceful approach empty, popular feeling effect is suitable enjoy Yang Ming.


Hole palace wild goose swings: Zhejiang peaceful is suitable be located in hole palace and wild goose to swing a mountain range.

of the arch of Mu Ping, stone, character 8, cent that write bridge arranges 4 kinds of modelling of corridor bridge for peaceful. Churchyard is saved in good condition the Tang Dynasty, the Song Dynasty, bright, the wooden arcade bridge of clear generation amounts to more than 30.

End couplet is embedded " peaceful is suitable " .

(smooth underwater Ping Bageng)

The sense is good the assist that ask a dot, reprint ask give chapter and verse for!

Origin | Ou Yue Bing

Author | Ji Lin

Editor | Ou jumps over gentleman, Bing Daojun

Mailbox | [email protected]