15 classical encourage annals ana, life is noble acting (had closed)

1, life is noble acting, hesitant not definitely when, might as well stride first small one pace. Advancement need not regret, if good, be called wonderful; If how terrible, be called experience.

2, if edge is afraid of,hurt oneself and do not contact with grindstone, forever won't sharp.

3, no matter when are you beginning, important is after beginning, do not stop.

4, everything should think carefully, but more important than thinking carefully is to think thrice before you act.

5, do not care about others how to see you, want to care about yourself how to see future, see a dream, view the world.

6, the effort that street lamp passes one night, ground of ability feel no regret is accept of the first dawn placatory.

7, begin to struggle from oneself heart first when a person, he is a valuable person.

8, the spring that raise one's head and look expects to come belongs to nature, knit the spring that go out to just belong to his with the hand.

9, the boss can give a seat only, cannot give a future. Stage is again large, the person goes tea cool.

10, in all deceit, self-deceiving it is most serious.

11, the mistake with the biggest life is ceaseless concern can err.

12, the mood that elegant key of the person depends on controlling his, injure a person with the mouth, it is a kind of the most foolish behavior.

13, without giving thought to how arduous high mountain, always be not the distance that the person of Wei hardship keeps an ascend.

14, without ageless oath, without changeless acceptance, set foot on journey, honor permits no turning back.

15, timely and measurable bend, facilitating tear off the portion is then redundant heavy, it is better to be gotten thereby live and develop.