Empty spirit of the heart makes we were known be at ease

Life is one kind bears, we should learn to prop up our. What excessive begs is more, joy is less; Always doing all sorts of measuring in materially, do to compare on joy rarely however, some people are very wealthy, but vivid not happy, fill malcontent heart because of having only, what some people pass is very ordinary, smile is hanged on the face however, because of what see gain and loss insipid!

Empty spirit of the heart makes we were known be at ease

The youth goes up in the road that grow, now and then discomposure, never mind, be stranded by affection, also never mind. Do not be fear of these. As long as either all one's life it is flurried, good to what be stranded by affection. When who has not been utterly confused? Who has not been moment of Angus fetch reverse? Spend these a few bank, you can return to calm. Lifetime is very long, discomposure has been blown like gentle breeze, need not put on the heart.

Consider a whole world negative you, you also should believe yourself. Do not go thinking the view of others, the word of other people is the dust in sunshine nevertheless, below one second is blown by wind. This is your life, without the person can participate, besides yourself, who is not important. Sadness, cry awkwardly to the top of one's bent, after the tear works, admire a head to laugh aglitter still.

Life is so long, sealed thing is so much. The relation between person and person often is each other, good intentions, also be it is be apt to with oneself. Make oneself a bit gentler, a bit more open-minded, to the fault beside, make oneself a bit more good-tempered. Everybody has his trouble, importune why at the person.

The heart is kosher, place is good, the heart is happy, life is happy. Of life not be the loneliness that depends on a person emptily, be the loneliness at the heart; The wisdom of life also is not to depend on be good at observation, depend on be good at discerning; Of life search do not depend on that 1000 hill 10 thousand water, depend on verying close between; The state of life is not to depend on following blindly, and depend on ego hunting.

There is kind in the heart, be born not easily evil. When to forget my existence, the person began to mature. When to forget the existence of time, the person is happy. When to understand the universe in freedom in, leisurely and comfortable oneself, the talent is true loosen, return to the person's nature truly.

Some things, it is good that he know, not necessary go examining minutely, because answer may not can be accepted; Some him people recognize is good, undeserved go sad, because emotion cannot go,importune. Love your person, won't be far from; Do not love your person, can lose eventually. Experience, can tell you how to work; Time, how does meeting teaching see a person to you. Once vow solemnly, just perhaps be perfunctory; Original blow on the face is enthusiastic, just promote temporarily nevertheless case.

Taste when 100 flavour, see through naturally; Life, those who lean is not time, those who lean is to cherish. Time, those who lean is not to waste, those who lean is to use. Feeling, those who lean is not lot, those who lean is regretful. Money, those who lean is not to use, those who lean is to allocate. Career, those who lean is not contented, those who lean is dependable.

The turn must leave a pocket, just carry so that start. On life journey, not all door is very broad, some doors need you to bow sideways just is entered. So, want to be able to bend the pocket that must leave oneself when necessary, just may go up in life journey straightway. Look up the gas end need, bow need courage. The vivosphere of everybody is finite, holding high blindly first, want to be touched head broken and bleedingly necessarily. Can timely stoop waist, just be life great wisdom.

The society adjusts a mood, think toward advantage as far as possible, when a lot of people encounter a few things, with respect to urgent elephantine ants on a hot pan, want to hold the key of meddlesome affection only actually, must stick what every detail handles meet do a job with skill and ease. Encounter thorny issue, bit soberer, want how to just can have done it next, you think toward advantage more, the heart leaves more, think toward disadvantage more, the heart is narrower.