Just! Ma Yun makes a speech, 3000 people queue up to enter! Groups Africa is small: If only Ma Yun i

Today, ma Yun of trustee bureau chairman shows Alibaba body Africa Rwanda makes a speech. It is reported, rwanda has 6000 much people to sign up, final nearly 3000 people obtained rare opportunity to enter the arena. This 3000 people are given priority to with the Rwanda youth, person that do poineering work, still include the Rwanda businessman of many deal on Alibaba.

Youth of graph / Africa discharges a cue team to enter

Publish platform, ma Yun had courteous sex to Africa " profession " , showed wind model. His respecting, I love Africa very much, I think of Africa to come a long time ago, thank Dr. Jituyi and your everybody, acknowledgment Rwanda arrives today to my opportunity visit Africa. Ma Yun's opening remarks, let many 3000 african applause together be as long as 10 seconds.

Graph / Ma Yun undertakes making a speech

The most curious to african Ma Yun does poineering work story, what Ma Yun encourages the spot for example with oneself is young the person that do poineering work.

Equestrian cloud respecting, found when him Alibaba when, include parents to be in, almost the decision that everybody says to do poineering work clumsy pole, why cannot become a teacher well in the university? Dan Mayun says: I want to realize my dream. Realize this thing 229 years to me!

Graph / Africa is young the person that do poineering work

Do poineering work later in the process, ma Yun proved he made right decision. Equestrian cloud respecting, the 40th his employee that allows CTO once was Yahoo, very rich. One day he says to Ma Yun, he already 53 years old, aux would rather spend 1 million dollar to come redemptive time of a year. That CTO says finally: "Ma Yun you are very young still, you have the opportunity of trial and error countless times, be done so! Be done so!!

Graph / Africa is young the person that do poineering work

Heard Ma Yun's speech, african youth is very excited, feel gains is very big. Ma Yun is in the speech respecting, among them an Africa is young respecting of the person that do poineering work, if I resemble Ma Yun trying hard euqally, I also have an opportunity to become Ma Yun, africa needs a Ma Yun, if he is African good. The foreigner comes African deal, it is to earn African money, dan Mayun is not, ma Yun wants to help the small company of Africa and whole world very much, africa needs such entrepreneur, the whole world also needs very much.

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