Does Anthony join in rocket group 3 tycoons? Deandongni: Eldest brother but must not come!

Rocket team traded to overcome Reese from flier Paul, let them make the team with the most fervent alliance for an instant. Caused an allied earthquake. But this is not the end that the rocket brings hold, mo Lei of rocket general manager is already avowed, the rocket still can have follow-up operation. And the recent player that contacts with the rocket is Kameilong Antony, more and more hearsay show, anthony apt buys outright a contract to join in next rocket. So does the rocket get Anthony has tremendous help to team really? Does Anthony suit a rocket really? Actually not certain.

Above all, whether getting is a problem. To the rocket, they can get Anthony with two kinds of means only, or Anthony and Nikesi buy outright a contract, free body low firewood joins in, or takes Anderson and Anthony exchange. Apparent these two kinds of kind are right the loss is too big for Nikesi, want them to lose a n/COL the head of a family star for nothing, still cannot get any redound, ni Kesi estimation won't do loss is big, prep let alone takes excessive price contract of Anderson to exchange. So, be in at least how to get Anthony on this link, the rocket should expend a few kongfu.

Next, coach element. Well-known, rocket advocate the time that handsome Deandongni once cooperated more than 1 year with muskmelon in Nikesi, but the relation of two people is unpleasant. Deandongni hopes ball control is in hand of full back controlling a ball more, and Anthony criterion more indulge individual singles. 2012, deandongni will finish class for a time. But horizontal sky of Lin Shuhao is born, rangdeandongni was protected handsome. Reappear to be retreated with Lin Shuhao injury as Anthony, appeared of Ni Kesi again the disorder on field, caused Deandongni finally to resign.

The 3rd, system and ball authority allocate an issue. Anthony is a player that needs holding singles, and just rocket team had had two outstanding holding hands. To Anthony, this is a kind of way that he likes least of all. And for the system to Deandongni, besides a main holding hand, other player scarcely can too stick a ball too, otherwise the fast aggression of the rocket is met exist in name only. No matter be to Anthony, or to the rocket, this is not a right choice.

Probably the name of Anthony is quite big, his aggression kaleidoscope attribute also lets together of person thoughts or recollections flashing across one's mind. But Anthony is not for certain suit a rocket that, because he and rocket are existing the system is natural disaccord. But who knows? If the rocket gets Anthony really, so rest in this at least contest period, fan people the battle array structure that guesses the sports season below the rocket boldly. Nevertheless, for the fan that likes a rocket truly to, getting Anthony is not well-advised decision really.