Telangpu exits Parisian climate agreement, gram of malic CEO library is very angry

Telangpu of president of message United States proclaimed the home of IT today on June 2 the United States exits Parisian climate agreement, this one decision lets National People's Congress break place to look. The apple is presiding gram of library of · of Mu of apparitor the base of a fruit is very malcontent to this matter, he ever persuaded Telangpu to carry Parisian climate agreement to the utmost but also of no help.

After Telangpu is announced, dimu Cooke sent an email to give malic company the staff member, reiterate the position that the company changes to climate, and the decision of assail president. Cooke expresses, the apple will continue to devote oneself to closed circuit to supply chain, stop mining relevant activity, use clean the sources of energy can morely.

It is mail below textual:

This is not the decision that Kukedi uses in-house email to respond to Telangpu. Be aimed at the emigrant ban that Telangpu signed this year in March, cooke ever had sent an email, statement apple does not support this policy.

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