Of capital angle share bicycle to will be faced with shuffle in the round, close down and buy tide t

First share bicycle close down, adumbrative move buys wet arrival, the 19 law of Internet are revealed undoubted, the network that is the same as a type namely allows to survive only, true escape from death, say so very the development pattern that a lot of networks develop platform now is, financing - burn money - market of race to control - again financing - burning money, finally is platform is amalgamative.

The 100 round big fight 2010, the group that awaits in those days buys a network firm arisen, if rise abruptly like emerge,the group of each district buys a network, clean out sand through sea later, was forgotten for the most part, very much local group buys a network also already put up the shutters shuts a server;

The informatization platform 2012, after the financing that net of 58 go to market passes many rounds, also went one case hand in hand finally;

The net 2015 makes an appointment with car allowance big fight, join as what the Tecent in A fastens, allowance is entered turn white-hot level, also can incorporate only finally, do together big this market;

2016 outside sell allowance, put only now also have hunger only with the United States sold outside the group;

They have to be nodded jointly is capital seeks the target that hold the ground in both hands, but amalgamative buying also is the corollary below capital dominant, the goal with capital big ultimate alligator is earnings is achieved in project investment, such chronically allowance burn money to encircle an user, who be can long-term cost must rise, so the simplest and efficient way is amalgamative, realize what share bicycle for nothing this to close down open the most intense market of race to control, buy wet arrival namely next.

Have in the market now rate is top is rub do obeisance to and Ofo small Huang Che, and the regale of this capital angle also will arise in them, the other side of way put sb out of the way that just perhaps controls in order to grind among them, one kind may be two platform final below each influence of square force trend is amalgamative.

The first kind of likely chance will be less, because now two by hind have the with Tecent sign in A, the other side of very hard direct put sb out of the way, but the result of the brand of other trademark has been destined, either be bought even if clean out in sea be washed out in sand.