
美国国务院发言人办公室华盛顿哥伦比亚特区(Washington, D.C.)2018年12月1日


忠诚的丈夫、慈爱的父亲、坚贞的朋友、爱国的榜样:乔治·赫伯特·沃克·布什(George H. W. Bush)总统的形象将永远留在我的记忆中。不论是第二次世界大战(World War II)服役期间在太平洋(Pacific)上空飞行,还是在中央情报局(CIA)总部从事保护美国的事业,或者在椭圆形办公室(Oval Office)领导我们的国家,布什总统都是美国德高望重和忠贯日月的公务员之一。在个人生活中,他意笃情深,顾念家庭,以拳拳善心和尊重的态度对待他见到的每一个人。我有幸与他相识并成为朋友。我们都曾领导全世界最优秀的情报机构,我将永远珍惜这份特别的情谊。

今天我们心情沉重,但我们知道他不再与挚爱的妻子芭芭拉(Barbara)相互分离,为此感到欣慰。我与我在国务院的同事一起对布什家庭全体成员表示慰唁和祈祷。 On the Passing of President George H. W. Bush

Press StatementMichael R. PompeoSecretary of StateWashington, DCDecember 1, 2018

Devoted husband, loving father, steadfast friend, exemplary patriot: this is how I will always remember President George H. W. Bush. Whether he was serving in the skies over the Pacific during World War II, protecting America at CIA headquarters, or leading our nation in the Oval Office, President Bush was one of America’s most consequential and dedicated public servants. In his private life, he was a devoted family man who exuded kindness and respect to everyone he met. I am privileged to have known him as a friend, and I will always treasure the special bond we shared of having led the world’s finest intelligence service. Though our hearts are heavy today, we take comfort in knowing he is no longer apart from his beloved wife Barbara. My thoughts and prayers, as well as those of my State Department colleagues, are with the entire Bush family.

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