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日期: 来源:一带一路报道收集编辑:一带一路报道

Access to roads enable all sectors of the economy to prosper

文 董雨 田大菊








To get rich, you must first build roads! This familiar Chinese proverb has been brought to the world and put into practice by the Belt and Road builders.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, it took Chinese builders eight years to complete the 580km-long National Highway No. 1 of the country. Since the operation of the road, more than 90% of the import and export of important materials, minerals and forest resources in the Democratic Republic of Congo have been transported to the Port of Pointe Noire via this road, contributing to a 69% increase in local GDP.

In Ethiopia, the transport capacity of the Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway, the first electrified railroad built by Chinese enterprises in Africa with the whole industry chain, has increased by 25% to 30% per year since it was officially put into operation in 2018. By the end of 2021, the Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway has provided services to approximately 300,000 passengers.

In Pakistan, the PKM highway project (Sukkur-Multan section), the largest transportation infrastructure in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) with a total length of nearly 400km, was opened to traffic in December 2020. As of July 2022, the highway has seen more than 10 million vehicles, opening up a major north-south transportation corridor in central Pakistan.

In China and Laos, the China-Laos Railway, which has been built with the painstaking efforts of countless builders, has exceeded 10 billion yuan in total international freight value since its opening in December 2021, and the role of the golden corridor has become more and more prominent. It has become an accelerator for regional connectivity and a new engine for economic cooperation.

In addition, there is the 10th of Ramadan Railway in Egypt and the Golden Port Expressway in Cambodia. The roads, like the “arteries”, pump a steady stream of vitality into the local development.

For more than 9 years, in the continuous construction of the Belt and Road, in addition to these large-scale projects, there are many small roads built for the benefit of the local people. These “small roads” are like “capillaries” at the end of the arteries, bringing the engine of development to everyone.



In Indonesia, there are convenient roads for travel








村道通了,摩托车多了,村民笑了,中企建设者与村民的心更近了。虽然大部分中企建设者不能与当地村民流畅地对话,但每当听到“China Bagus”(中国好样的),他们心里还是暖暖的。


The beautiful coastline, the warm beaches, the lush palm forests... In the hearts of many travel enthusiasts, Indonesia, known as the “Land of a Thousand Islands”, is a beautiful and fertile country where bird’s nest, palm oil, coffee, spices and other products are sold at home and abroad and are popular among consumers.

On November 16, 2022, after surviving many difficulties during the construction, a high-speed railroad with the hard work of numerous builders was successfully launched on a test run. This is the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway. As the first high-speed railway in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, the high-speed railway will shorten the travel time between Jakarta and Bandung from more than 3 hours in the past to 40 minutes, and drive the development of many fields along the route, such as land development, tourism and agricultural exports.

The first to enjoy the “dividends” of the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway is the residents around the project site.

In the surrounding area of the project site of the No.4 girder-making site of Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway of China Railway Group Limited (CREC), the roads of several villages are in disrepair and the surface is uneven, which makes it difficult for two motorcycles to pass each other. The poor condition of the village roads has caused great inconvenience to the villagers.

At the beginning of construction, there was a village road running east-west across the temporary construction site of the No.4 girder-making site, connecting the local villages 02 and 04. The road was less than 1-meter-wide and about 550-meter-long, but it was an important road for villagers. Some villagers were worried that the road could no longer be accessible due to the construction of the girder yard and had a lot of complaints about the location of the girder yard. This brought a lot of obstacles to the project.

This issue was soon brought to the attention of the project builders. “In order to promote friendship and understanding, our project team has funded the construction of village roads for three neighboring villages,” said Li Jinzhao, Party Branch Secretary of the project. With full respect to the living habits and customs and culture of local residents, the project department maintained a harmonious and friendly relationship with the surrounding villagers and actively fulfilled its social responsibility by funding and building village roads for three surrounding villages, totaling 1.8km.

The construction of the village road not only improved the road conditions of the local area but also gained the trust and praise of the villagers. They agreed and supported the construction of the No.4 girder-making site and the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway.

The village road is opened. There are more motorcycles and the villagers are all smiling. The heart of the Chinese enterprise builders is closer to the villagers. Although most of the Chinese builders are unable to speak directly with the local villagers fluently, their hearts are warm whenever they hear “China Bagus”(China is good).

“In the eyes of local villagers, a village road is a vital road for people’s livelihood, and the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway is an avenue that drives economic development. The construction of the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway has built a road of friendship between the people of China and Indonesia thanks to the village roads we built,” said a builder.



In Rwanda, there are happy roads to increasing income and wealth









“If it rains, the roads will look like rivers. There have been many traffic accidents.” Spedala, a resident of Huye, Rwanda, had vivid memories of the “bad road conditions”.

Today, things have changed dramatically, with a flat, wide, two-way asphalt road winding like a ribbon along the rolling hills, linking villages and towns. This road is the 66km Road in Huye, Rwanda, an important intercity road in the southern region of Rwanda.

Rwanda, known as the “Land of a Thousand Hills”, is a typical landlocked country with a small land area. Roads are its most important transportation infrastructure. Southern Province (Province du Sud), the main production area of Rwanda’s high mountain tea, is in dire need of a modern road linking farms to cities. The Huye Highway was thus built. It is one of the important projects of the Belt and Road jointly built by China and Rwanda, and is also an important part of the mid-line corridor connecting Rwanda, Burundi and Congo (DRC) to the port of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. It is upgraded by PowerChina.

At the opening ceremony held on March 29, 2019, Wang Jiaxin, Economic and Commercial Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Rwanda, said that the project of Huye Highway will play an important role in promoting the development of Rwanda’s regional transportation and agricultural economy, and will definitely become a new milestone of China-Rwanda cooperation.

With the successful completion of the main project of the road, the positive effect of the road is increasingly prominent. The local people are well aware of this.

“In the past, the traffic conditions were poor and tea transportation was a big problem. Now we can ship out fresh and good tea leaves in time, and the sales are getting better and better.” Kamanz, a tea merchant in Rwanda, patted the new car beside him and said, “The income has increased a lot because of selling tea and the income of tea farmers has gone up. Life is getting better and better.”

Driving on the 66-kilometer highway in Huye, one can see vast areas of lush tea plantations along the way. In the tea plantations, there are tea farmers who are picking tea leaves. Trucks, motorcycles, bicycles and pedestrians with goods on their heads come and go.

Huye Highway fundamentally improves local traffic conditions, reduces logistics and transportation costs, and creates business opportunities for the local community. It sets up a direct supply channel between growers and factories and alleviates the problems faced by local farmers who find it difficult to sell and transport goods and have to sell them at low prices. The road is becoming a happy road that can lead the local people to prosperity and high incomes.



In Kenya, there is an industrial road out of poverty and into prosperity










Also suffering from travel difficulties are the residents of Kenya. In many poor areas in the region, the infrastructure is not well built, and most of the roads between urban and rural areas are not hardened, making it difficult for residents to travel. This has greatly hindered local economic and social development.

Kemily lives in the countryside near Eldoret, Uasin Gishu County, in southwestern Kenya, and makes her living as a farmer. In the past, she had to carry hundreds of kilograms of home-grown corn to sell in the city, and she had to walk all day and night on the road alone. In the rainy season, the roads were muddy and slippery, so it was not easy to travel far.

To improve transportation conditions, the Kenyan government proposed the “10,000km Roads Project” in 2014, planning to build 10,000km of roads in five years to improve the transportation infrastructure. Over the past few years, many Chinese companies such as PowerChina and Sinopec have won bids and participated in the construction of a number of highways.

Kenya Rural Road Section 444 is a road project undertaken by PowerChina under the “10,000km Roads Project” in Kenya. It is an upgrade of old roads. The project is located in western Kenya and runs through the counties of Elgeyo Marakwet and Uasin Gishu. It is 29.3km long, with a road width of 7m, and consists of two feeder roads.

Kemily’s house is close to the second bypass of that road section, and when the road was opened, she often took the public bus into town, which greatly reduced travel time and brought more of her produce to town. Now, she plans to learn to use the Internet, hoping to open up a wider market for her family’s agricultural products. She said, “this road has brought our countryside closer to the city.”

Shortly after the opening of Section 444, the RWC111 rural road near Chebole, Bomet County, western Kenya, was also opened. This is also one of the projects in Kenya’s “10,000km Roads Project”. It is 65km long, with two lanes in each direction.

“I have been driving on this road for ten years. Now that the road is repaired, I can make five or six more trips a day and earn more money. We are grateful to the Chinese company for building such a good road for us.” Matruh, a coach driver in Chebole town, said gratefully.

Later, the RWC103 rural road was opened to traffic, and the 527 road section was opened to traffic. More and more rural roads are being built and opened, making it easier for local residents to travel and put to use local resources. Crops along the roads have become best-sellers, and black tea, coffee and flowers are transported to the capital Nairobi or port cities in time.

“When I was a child, I carried a tea basket to sell tea and was bent, and now I can sell tea sitting at my own door, and the income has increased a lot!” Karman, a tea farmer, was happy. The days are getting better and better and people’s wallets are getting bulging!








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