
BMX是自行车越野的简称,全称是BICYCLE MOTOCROSS。由于它的车型比较少,轮胎又比较粗并且它的比赛赛道和越野摩托车的赛道非常相似,所以因此得名。BMX(小轮车)起源于上世纪60年代的加利福利亚州,由于其独特的魅力并且低廉的价格,瞬间征服了那些对越野摩托车可望不可及的青少年。

BMX is the abbreviation of BICYCLE MOTCROSS.Because of the limited models,the wide wheels and the similar tracks of scrambling motorcycle(越野摩托车),so it gains the reputation.BMX(小轮车)originate from California in the 1960s.Its famous for its special charm and low price,which acquire the hearts of teenagers who desire scrambling motorcycle(越野摩托车)but couldn’t afford it.

小轮车是一种车胎直径为20英寸的自行车,现在也有24,20寸的车型。它主要分为在泥道或者水泥道上的竞速赛(BMX racing)和技巧型小轮车(freestyle BMX)比赛。由于大多数青少年受到了滑板文化的影响,所以就将技巧型小轮车按场地再分为了街道,公园,U型道,平地以及泥地。

BMX is a bicycle with a diameter of 20 inches,but now,there are 20 inches and 24 inches.The competition is mainly divided into two parts: Dirt BMX racing and freestyle BMX.With most teenagers influenced by the Skate Lifestyle,so the freestyle BMX is divided into five parts(street,park,vert ramp ,flat and dirt.)

The street

The flat

The vert ramp

The dirt

The park

在上世纪七十年代,居住在美国加利福利亚的孩子骑着普通的单车只为效仿他们所崇拜的越野摩托车手。1971年美国拍摄一部名为《On Any Sunday》的有关摩托车竞速赛的纪录片来鼓励孩子们骑自行车,然而在1982年时BMX大受欢迎,因为在电影《E.T》中的出现,使得其成为流行文化的代表。

In the 1970s,the children who lived in California rode the ordinary bicycles in order to imitate their adoring motocross racers.Americans made a record-film called 《On Any Sunday》about motorcycle racing for encouraging young people to ride bicycles.

1977年,成立专门为蓬勃发展的小轮车运动而设立的77国越野车自行车协会(American Bicycle Association,ABA),1981年4月,国际小轮车联盟成立,并在第二年就举办了首届世界BMX锦标赛。从1993年1月开始,小轮车运动正式进入国际自行车联盟。

In 1977,people set up the American Bicycle Association that is for the growing BMX.The international alliance of BMX were built up in April,1981,and people held the first World BMX Game in the following year.The BMX entered the International Cycling Union since January 1993.


Nowadays,the BMX has become one of the major competition items of the annual Summer X Game.The BMX as well as became the one of the official events in 2008 Bei Jing Olympic Games.


More and more Chinese young people bring into contact with BMX,and fall in love with it now.I’m also one of them.I think it’s a good trend.We can exercise mind and body,and make many friends at the same time through it.


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