关于这款皮卡的定位,目前小道消息说该皮卡将竞争对手列为福特猛禽 F-150 与丰田的兰德酷路泽(平台的皮卡)。虽然目前没有确切的设计效果图放出,但是按照猜测,对 musk 本人的推断,该皮卡一定是越野性能强大、装载空间大、且外观富有攻击性,也是你能花钱买到的最漂亮的电动皮卡了。
在之前的 LA 车展上,同样作为新时代皮卡代表的 Rivian R1T,推出了一款无比强大的电动皮卡,百公里加速大概只需要 4 秒时间,续航里程可以达到大约 700 公里。
该 Rivian R1T 车型,已经推出,计划在 2020 年上市。
在一篇外媒的文章,Tesla pickup truck-Everything we know so far.(关于特斯拉皮卡,目前我们所知的一切)中,外媒大胆的对特斯拉皮卡做了一些猜想。
It ’ s going to be a big truck.
Musk said that it will feature a step that will lower to step into the truck and he said that Andre the Giant will be able to fit in the driver ’ s seat.
The Tesla Truck is going to be a 6-seater.
It ’ s going to have an option for 400 to 500 miles of range "maybe higher"
Musk previously said that platforms like the Model S and Model X would probably be capped at 125 kWh of energy capacity, but he said that the truck platform will offer an opportunity for a much bigger battery pack.
Dual-motor, all-wheel-drive powertrain with dynamic suspension will be standard on the truck.
The truck will have a 240-volt connection for heavy-duty tools and even an air compressor to run air tools.
The second part was a suggestion that Musk liked since the truck will already have a pneumatic system for the air suspension.
‘ 300,000 lbs of towing capacity ’ .
That ’ s another tweet where you have to ask yourself ‘ is he kidding? ’ , but he is most often not. Though I ’ d bet the actual rated capacity is going to be much lower and like the Model X, owners will be able to push the truck further.
It will be able to float.
Musk referenced how the Model S is able to, but that ’ s up to a certain degree and it ’ s obviously not recommended.
Musk said that ‘ it will look like a truck ’ .
I take this as he is not planning an overly different design because it ’ s electric. He mentioned that he likes the design of the old Bronco.
6 座
续航能力 400-500 英里(大约 600-700 公里)
30 万磅的拖拽能力
这辆特斯拉的皮卡,将使用 200kWh 的电池,续航里程大约 500 公里,能在 4 秒内完成百公里加速,并且有着强大的工具属性。
按照 Elon Musk 从来不让人失望的做法,这一定做的到。
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