The film Ford v Ferrari was first shown, at the Telluride Film Festival. The film is about American car designer Carroll Shelby and driver Ken Miles build a revolutionary race car for Ford in order to win at the 24 Hours of Le Mans in 1966.Together, they plan to compete against the race cars of Enzo Ferrari at the 24 Hours of Le Mans in France.
2019年8月30日,电影《极速车王》在特柳赖德电影节上首映。电影讲述的是美国汽车设计师卡罗尔·谢尔比(Carroll Shelby)和车手肯·迈尔斯(Ken Miles)为能在1966年勒芒24小时耐力赛中获胜,为福特公司制造了一辆革命性的赛车,并计划在法国勒芒24小时耐力赛中与恩佐·法拉利的赛车竞争。
编译 / 闫宏宇
审核 / 吴丹
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