Ford built the last of its early two-seat Thunderbirds as public demand sparked a shift to four-seaters. Restyled a year earlier, the 57 T-Bird featured tail fins, opera windows, and a clean back bumper for better handling. Plus a choice of five V-8s including a supercharged 340 hp NASCAR option.
1957年12月13日,由于公众需求引发了制造四座汽车的转变,福特制造了其早期的最后一款双座雷鸟。一年前重新设计的57 T-Bird为提高操控性配有尾翼、小型舷窗侧窗和简洁的后保险杠等特色设计,外加包括适合纳斯卡赛事的340马力机械增压发动机在内的五款V8发动机可供选择。
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