The Fiat 600 was presented to the international press in the Exhibition Hall in Geneva. It was received with enthusiastic comments from journalists and experts who praised the adoption of ‘unorthodox, ingenious solutions’. With the launch of the 600, Fiat opened the way to mass car ownership in Italy. The car was a compact four-seater, two-door saloon with a rear engine and rear-wheel drive. It was the first rear-engined Fiat, measuring only 3.22 m (10 ft 7 in) long. The designer Dante Giacosa wrestled with a way to comfortly seat four adults in an affordable, economical small runabout.
1955年3月9日,菲亚特600在日内瓦展览馆向国际媒体展示。记者和专家对该报告给予了热情的评论,他们赞扬了“非正统、巧妙的解决方案”的采用。随着Fiat 600的推出,菲亚特开启了意大利大众汽车保有量的征程。这是一辆紧凑型四座双门轿车,配有后置发动机和后轮驱动。这是第一辆后置引擎的菲亚特,只有3.22米(10英尺7英寸)长,设计师丹特•贾科萨(Dante Giacosa)绞尽脑汁想办法让四个成年人舒适地坐在一辆经济实惠的小型跑车上。
编译 / 周伟平
审核 / 吴丹