卡由动画1-1 第一个故事
It’s time for a story
给孩子讲故事,或是让孩子听故事的时候,都可以将这句话用上。这句话还可以用到很多地方,比如:该睡午觉了:It’s time for a nap.该吃点心了:It’s time for a snack.该睡觉了:It's time to go to bed
Sth can be fun!
孩子对某样玩具,书籍,或是幼儿园,学校不了解的时候,往往不愿意去尝试。这句( )can be fun! 告诉孩子,这样东西,或是这件事情会很好玩。
例如:Caillou中:Daycare can be fun.
还可以说:Books can be fun.
Music can be fun.
Swimming can be fun.
School can be fun.
Learning can be fun.
Math can be fun.
Learning vocabulary can be fun.
Grammar can be fun.
Learning English can be fun.
I'll be (right ) back (with you ).
跟孩子说,我马上回来, 就可以用到这句话。在Caillou中,妈妈送卡由去托儿所,卡由很不适应,一直拉着妈妈。妈妈说,I'll be back. 意思是 别担心,我会回来接你的。
卡由动画1-2 第二个故事
It’s story time.
给孩子讲故事,或是让孩子听故事的时候,都可以将这句话用上。这句话还可以用到很多地方,比如:It's reading time.It's dinner time.It's bed time.... ...
You did a very good job!
原文中:Caillou: Look, I’ve got dressed all by myself!
Daddy: uh, I can see that. And you did a very good job.
这句话还可以做一些小变动,比如:简单的可以说:Good job!
It was an accident..
Caillou: It's not my fault.
Daddy: I know, Caillou. It wasn’t anybody’s fault. It was an accident.
如果自己不小心弄坏了什么东西,或是弄破了手或是什么地方,也可以说,It was an accident.
卡由动画1-3 第三个故事
Good night, sleep tight!
卡由故事中是:Sleep tight, don’t let bed bugs bite.
Good night, sleep tight,
Wake up bright
In the morning light
To do what's right
With all your might.
What‘s wrong?
There's no need to be afraid of sth.
卡由中的原句是:But there’s no need to be afraid of monsters, do you know why? Because monsters aren’t real! They’re just make-believe.孩子小的时候,总会害怕这个,害怕那个。我们可以告诉他们,不用怕, 当然能说明为什么就更好了。
比如:There’s no need to be afraid of the big bad wolf, do you know why? Because the big bad wolf is only in that story.
What's the matter?
Let's see, ..., what about...
Caillou’s grandma: I’m sure. You must have some friends. Let’s see, if we can think of one, what about that nice girl, Clementine.
We can play some of your toys. let's see, blocks, toy cars, yoyo, ..., what about this board game, it is really fun!
something was on the floor. It's not going in your mouth.
卡由中的原句是:Teacher: Caillou, that candy was on the floor. It’s not going in your mouth.这句话大概会经常用到。食物掉到地上了,提醒孩子,不要吃掉在地上的食物。
(I hope) this (sth) will make you feel better.
孩子感到不舒服,身体或是情感方面受到伤害,我们要安慰一下孩子,给个hug, 吃点东西,喝点什么,或是睡一觉,讲个故事,让孩子觉得好过一些,就可以用到这句话。
This hot soup will make you feel better.Let's me read you a story, hope this will make you feel better.
It hurts.
It won't hurt.
You (someone) hurt me (my feeling)!
孩子觉得什么地方不舒服,疼的话,可以说 My ear hurts.做事不小心,伤到手,或是走路磕到碰到,觉的疼,都可以说,it hurts卡由中卡由在述说上次医生给他看耳朵时,把他的耳朵弄的很疼时说:The doctor hurt me!
卡由妈妈跟卡由说,这会儿你的耳朵好多了,这次不会疼了。It won't hurt this time.不会疼,不会造成伤害时,都可以说:It won't hurt.当孩子感到情感收到伤害,可以教孩子将这种感受表达出来:You hurt my feeling...教孩子将负面的感受表达出来,一方面引起大人的注意,另一方面也是一种疏通。
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