It’s the nature of children to play games and embrace wild imaginations. With regard to the theme, we hope to bring a beautiful world into children’s lives. This is not only the original inspiration of Fantasia Holdings, but also a brand-new idea of Kyle from the design perspective.
「绘本故事」的概念是这一次的创作灵感,我们以故事先行的场景化设计,赋予空间灵魂,作为视觉传达元素,抽象变幻的线条感设计成为本案核心。 ——Karv One Design
The concept of “picture book story” is our inspiration for this design. With design guided by scenes featuring stories, space is endowed with soul. The delicately-designed lines, as visual expression elements, became the soul of this design.” —Karv One Design
▼抽象变幻的线条感设计成为本案核心,the delicately-designed lines became the soul of this design
项目背景 | Project Background
城市发展进入精细化运营时代,峻佳设计受品牌方成都花样年地产邀请开展关于未来城市生活和社区服务的创新实践。 在本次项目设计中,摈弃传统售楼中心的销售主导思维,花样年地产以开放和颇富远见的姿态,将项目的核心表达付诸于对未来城市人居生活和社区服务更新的关注,而作为家庭和城市未来连接的纽带,“儿童”和“美育”成了本次设计的破题关键词。
Urban development is entering an era of refined operation. Karv One Design was commissioned by Fantasia Holdings Chengdu for an innovative design on real estate sales and future community management. In this project, Fantasia ditched the sales-oriented thinking of traditional sales centers and, in an open and visionary manner, focused the core expression of the project on future urban life and new community services. As the link between family and city in the future, “children” and “aesthetic education” became the breakthrough and key words of this design.
▼设计关键词:“儿童”和“美育”,key words: “children” and “aesthetic education”
Fantasia gave full support to the innovation of Karv One Design in this project. By combining multi-functions of real estate sales center, children’s aesthetic education space, future community kindergarten, multi-generation education center, children’s amusement park and brand experience place, we came up with the idea of “Blossom School”, a brand-new type of real estate management service dedicated to letting the new generation in the city live and grow up in the nourishment of love and beauty.
▼绘本故事,picture book story
创作手记 | Innovation Notes
In this project, the theme of future community life was adopted. Children, as the key link between community and family, became the protagonist of the design. Based on thinking about children’s aesthetic education, the Blossom School inspired by picture story books is committed to provide Edu-taiment experience which combines education and fun. From early-stage planning, brand name ideation, to VI (visual identification) system, interior design and display, Karv One Design has offered a complete string of experience connected by stories.
Blossom School originates from a beautiful picture book story and it is a place where adults and children together weave their dreams. With a series of “multi-generation guardians” spanning different ages, visitors are guided to make various kinds of explorations in the space connected by stories and interesting scenes of display. Granny Blossom dedicated to education, Grandpa Spoon super good at cooking, naughty and lovely Super Bobbi and kind Blossom Elves, the “space guardians” are included to inspire children to embark on an interesting exploration journey. These vivid and unique roles in story picture books together make the unique symbol of Blossom School bringing infinite vitality.
▼绘本故事中的角色, a series of “multi-generation guardians” in the book story
By using “lines” as the core elements for expression of space, the design adds a sense of smooth narration to the changes between different functional scenes. The large glass curtain wall and the indoor lighting design convey a feeling of openness and form perfect interaction with the natural environment.
▼流动的叙事感,a smooth narration
Functional areas include small theatres, game rooms, light food restaurant, bakery, library, handwork area, music and sports classroom, theme classrooms, etc. Blossom School has been advocating for the aesthetic education of the future. Thoughts of Karv One Design about children’s education are expressed in its design of the interior space and the display, which enables users to explore the whole space in a relaxed manner.
▼空间分布示意,the map of Blossom School
Children experience the world with curiosity. What they see, touch and perceive constitute the way they understand the world. From a beautiful picture book story to a space, and through the integrated interior and display design, the whole space becomes a huge place for storytelling. It can be a place for children to learn, play and use while also serving the public good. At the same time, it perfectly accommodates functions of a sales center and brand display space.
▼大堂入口区域,entrance area in the lobby
The gigantic “FLY” shaped abstract lines and rainbow background curtain create a fantastic atmosphere for the whole space of the entrance lobby. The imaginative visual presentation not only stimulates children’s imagination, but also imply the various narrative experiences in the exploration which is different from ordinary experiences. The design team attaches great importance to the combination of aesthetic feeling and education in each and every corner of the project. The space guardians, shown in different forms, are placed in various scenes to connect the stories as a whole.
▼「FLY」主题造型装置,”FLY” installation
▼装置细部,installation detailed view
展陈故事 Chapter 01
Story Chapter 01
Welcome 花花学园欢迎你
Welcome to Blossom School
Wow!Let’s start the wonderful adventure in the picture book world of Blossom School!
▼大厅休息区,lobby seating area
▼学园之旅启程,the school journey begins
展陈故事 Chapter 02
Story Chapter 02
Eat 身体的奇妙旅行
Eat A Lesson of Your Body
A wealth of knowledge is within your body. Let’s explore the secrets of health with what you eat!
▼餐厅和烘焙区,restaurant and baking area
▼空间细部,detailed view
The coffee area is both for parent-child interaction and a lounge area. While meeting the needs of receiving clients, it can also be used for parent-child baking classes and other activities for community residents when available.
▼咖啡区,coffee area
With a main staircase in the free space in the back area, the slides, children’s reading area, open cooking classrooms and role-play areas are dotted throughout the space.
▼探索空间,exploring area
展陈故事 Chapter 03
Story Chapter 03
Dream Community Dream Theater
Listen carefully, speak bravely, and create shared memories with different people.
▼梦剧场,Dream Theater
The open theatre consisting of simple lines and stair-shaped stages is not only a stage for children to express themselves, but also a public activity platform for residents from the surrounding communities to jointly participate in the value creation.
展陈故事 Chapter04
Story Chapter 04
Play 来让蔬菜洗涮涮
Play Let’s Wash Vegetables
The magic experience of growing vegetables: from land to table.
▼游戏空间,play room
The game area fully respects children’s natural fond of playing. In order to engage the children as much as possible, the designers have set interactive games which involve jumping movements such as slide and bubble pool. At the same time, the physical size of young children is taken into consideration to ensure that they can experience interesting exploration of space in healthy sports.
▼游戏区,game area
▼游戏区细部,detailed views
展陈故事 Chapter05
Story Chapter05
Build 花样创想所
Build Blossom Innovation House
A creative world of 10,000 building blocks to build anything you can imagine of !
▼花样创想所,Innovation House
▼休息区,seating area
The biggest highlight of the sandbox area is the creative sandbox made up of tens of thousands of building blocks. It is not only an embodiment of the Fantasia brand idea of “interesting, tasty and practical”, but also a manifestation of the “Edu-tainment” concept advocated by Blossom School. We have made interesting detailed scenes in the sandbox such as the animal chair as an exhibition board for piecing together building blocks, plants after color change treatment, movable windmill theme walls. Children can play here and piece together whatever comes into their unique imagination.
▼创意沙盘, the creative sandbox
Soft and bright colors are used in the toilet to make the whole space warm and dreamy, eliminating children’s fear of staying alone in small space.
Considering that children are fond of running and jumping, Karv One Design installed a long corridor in the space. The round bumper design is to ensure children’s safety and sufficient play area.
▼圆润的防撞设计,round bumper design
展陈故事 Chapter 06-1
Story Chapter 06-1
Art Color Circus
Dress the animals with favorite colors and create the prints yourself.
▼色彩马戏团,Art Color Circus
展陈故事 Chapter 06-2
Story Chapter 06-2
Workshop 花花工作坊
Workshop Blossom Workshop
Be hungry for knowledge and explore for more fun.
▼创作区,work space
The classrooms are designed with distinctive colors and themes in order to create a space which gives children a sense of belonging. Tables and chairs are in suitable dimensions and are flexible and changeable to meet the needs of different teaching modes.
▼课室桌椅,table and chairs
By putting a variety of soft colors and creative shapes in the space, coupled with the design developed with stories, Karv One Design incorporates brand, interior design and exhibition as a whole. The space, oriented by children elements, fun and beauty, has become a vivid narrator and educator itself.
▼应不同课室主题,为儿童设计相关系列的应用产品,according to different themes of the classrooms, relevant series of products are designed for children
展陈故事 Chapter 07
Story Chapter 07
Nature 阳光,风与种子的游戏
Nature Game of Sunshine, Wind and Seeds
When children meet nature, life becomes a story worth waiting for.
▼室外空间,outdoor space
展陈故事 Chapter08
Story Chapter 08
Listen 音乐的形状
Listen Shape of Music
Follow the lovely note elves and play music that’s fun and visible.
▼音体室,music room
展陈故事 Chapter 09
Story Chapter 09
Family 创意长廊
Family Creative Gallery
Various creative parent-child experiences to create nice memories of family.
▼亲子创意长廊,Family Creative Gallery
展陈故事 Chapter 10
Story Chapter 10
Love 爱的告白
Love Speak Out Your Love
Handwrite a wish card full of love, speak from the bottom of your heart!
People’s behaviors are unconsciously influenced by the environment. In terms of project details, many details are designed for children’s safety, such as the child-touch-friendly materials and the furniture customized according to children’s height, which are like guardians providing children with company.
▼引导标识设计,way-finding system
Under the trend of upgrading “real estate + operation” mode, real estate enterprises have been transforming their roles from developers to service providers. Innovations in products and operation services focusing on scenes of residents’ lives have become the key for major real estate enterprises to make breakthroughs in the competition and become the innovation leader.
Blossom School is exactly an exploration made for the future. By redefining sales center in this project, which combines future education and shared community space, Karv One Design worked with Fantasia Holdings to stimulate new people-to-people and people-to-space interactions from the perspective of space and environmental aesthetics. This project is so much more than just a school. It is also fertile soil for the public that incubates unlimited possibilities for the future. With its openness and beauty, the project will be a model of innovation in real estate services.
主持设计:陈峻佳Kyle Chan
主案设计:Derek Ng / Jacky Wan
室内设计:Yang / Nicko Hui / Edwiin Ng
项目策划:Sophie Shu / Larrissa Yan / Florine Jin
品牌设计:Sushila Law / Carol Chan /Sunny Teng
软装设计:Hannah Shen / Lynne liu
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