如水柔情但却韧,善利万物而不争。女化学家以独特的人格魅力和坚忍不懈的人生态度铸就了一道道靓丽的科研风景,用非凡创造力和卓绝智慧助力科学发展和进步。在第113个国际妇女节即将到来之际,CCS Chemistry向所有关心和支持期刊发展的女化学家们表示衷心的感谢和崇高的敬意!祝所有女化学工作者节日快乐!
CCS Chemistry精选了38篇2022年发表的、由女化学家作为通讯作者的高质量学术文章进行分享,以展示女化学家的魅力和风采,将分为五期推送,敬请关注!
Rare-Earth Doping Graphitic Carbon Nitride Endows Distinctive Multiple Emissions with Large Stokes Shifts
Xun Liu†, Shangqing Zhang†, Jinhui Liu, Xing Wei, Ting Yang, Mingli Chen(陈明丽)* and Jianhua Wang (王建华)*
Cite this:CCS Chem. 2022, 4, 1990–1999
A Highly Stable Two-Photon Ratiometric Fluorescence Probe for Real-Time Biosensing and Imaging of Nitric Oxide in Brain Tissues and Larval Zebrafish
Zhiwen Gong, Zhichao Liu, Zhonghui Zhang, Yuxiao Mei and Yang Tian (田阳)*
Cite this:CCS Chem. 2022, 4, 2020–2030
Polymorphism of Kdo-Based Glycolipids: The Elaborately Determined Stable and Dynamic Bicelles
Yingle Feng, Long Li, Qiqige Du, Lu Gou, Lei Zhang, Yonghai Chai, Ran Zhang (张然)*, Tongfei Shi and Guosong Chen (陈国颂)*
Cite this:CCS Chem. 2022, 4, 2228–2238
Ultrafine PdRu Nanoparticles Immobilized in Metal–Organic Frameworks for Efficient Fluorophenol Hydrodefluorination under Mild Aqueous Conditions
Wenqian Yang†, Qinglin Liu†, Jun Yang, Jiahui Xian, Yinle Li, Guangqin Li (李光琴)* and Cheng-Yong Su (苏成勇)*
Cite this:CCS Chem. 2022, 4, 2276–2285
Enormous Promotion of Photocatalytic Activity through the Use of Near-Single Layer Covalent Organic Frameworks
Xiaomin Ren†, Chunzhi Li†, Wanchao Kang†, He Li, Na Ta, Sheng Ye, Linyan Hu, Xiuli Wang (王秀丽)*, Can Li (李灿)* and Qihua Yang (杨启华)*
Cite this:CCS Chem. 2022, 4, 2429–2439
Nanoporous Vesicular Membranes of Amphiphilic Polymers Containing Trans/Cis Isomers
Hui Chen, Xia Yu, Yujiao Fan, Xiangjun Xing (邢向军)*, Sylvain Trépout* and Min-Hui Li (李敏慧)*
Cite this:CCS Chem. 2022, 4, 2651–2661
Precise Construction of Stable Bimetallic Metal–Organic Frameworks with Single-Site Ti(IV) Incorporation in Nodes for Efficient Photocatalytic Oxygen Evolution
Lan Li†, Zhi-Bin Fang†, Wenzhuo Deng, Jun-Dong Yi, Rui Wang and Tian-Fu Liu (刘天赋)*
Cite this:CCS Chem. 2022, 4, 2782-2792