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日期: 来源:经济学人双语精读笔记收集编辑:赵彦春

除夕的花已不是花。| 第46期

张夫也《春韵》布上油彩  120X100cm 落款:F.Zhang13 2013年作

Seeing Flowers at the New Year's Eve

                                    — by Phyllis Lin

作 / 林徽因

译 / 赵彦春

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张夫也《否极泰来》纸本墨汁 168X35cm 2023年元旦书

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Seeing Flowers at the New Year's Eve

It is but last spring that
I bought from the market clattering with all accents
A snow white long twig full of petals
And camellias as red as gore,
To adorn my small nook with them for a radiance of exquisite hue,
Not for acute melancholy
But what is obtuse is left, some more!
I well know the calmness in the room
Is like a mistaken season,
In such an atmosphere, my hometown is lost, even farther
The time is hung upside down.
The New Year is not like a New Year
Seeing the cart lantern burning drops and drops of blood;
The drooping curtain can no longer remember the past ardor, the talk gone.
If the heart is spinning scores of blooms in the past,
The indistinctness is like a path leaping over many a fence;
A riot of flowers, leaves and twigs
Do dazzle my eyes,
And today’s footsteps
Will be unwilling to tread on the sand of an earlier whence.
The moonlight is frozen,
Pointing to hilltops everywhere;
The rivers are even more disturbed.
What I’m concerned with is the hardship on the Horseshoe Plain.
It is drawing without sound.
The eve’s flower is no longer a flower,
Just one word lumped in the throat,
Shivering thousands of people’s care
That haunts every heart, as e’er.


ZHAO Yanchun 

赵彦春,上海大学教授、上海大学翻译研究与出版中心主任、国际学术期刊Translating China主编、国际汉学与教育研究会会长、中医药促进会传统文化翻译与国际传播专业委员会会长、中国先秦史学会国学双语研究会执行会长。证伪与建构;译诗兼写诗。翻译学归结论的创立者、以诗译诗以经译经的倡导者和践行者。

Professor of English at Shanghai University, Director of Shanghai University Center for Translation and Publishing, Editor of Translating China, President of International Sinology and Education, President of Chinese Culture Translation and International Promotion, Executive President of Chinese Classics Bilinguals’ Association. Falsifying and Reconstructing, translating and writing poetry, a founder of translation reductionism, he is an advocator and practitioner of translating Poesie into Poesie, and Classic into Classic. 


WU Jianjun

WU Jianjun, Postgraduate of the United Nations Language Training Program in 1993 and MA of Development Economics, the University of Manchester, has been in civil service in the central government ministries of PRC for many years, once Senior Advisor to the Chinese Executive Director of the World Bank Group and currently a senior executive of an international multilateral development agency. He is an advocator and practitioner of the inheritance and communication of traditional Chinese culture. 

LI weiwei


LI Weiwei, PhD in Translation Studies. She is a lecturer of the School of Foreign Languages in Yunnan University. As a lover of public speaking, she won the Second Prize at national stage in the "FLTRP Cup" English Public Speaking Contest, and the National Top Ten & the Most Talented Award in the "CCTV Star of Outlook" English Talent Competition. Moreover, as a lover of recitation, she has published over 30 works on platforms such as "YZS.com" and e-journals.


MA Tingting

    马婷婷,山东师范大学外国语言学及应用语言学硕士,现就职于山东女子学院外国语学院;国际诗刊《国际诗歌翻译》客座总编,学术期刊《学术视界》编委员会委员,在《国际诗歌翻译》、美国双语诗刊《诗殿堂》、意大利POMEZIA-NOTIZIE、乌兹别克斯坦Young Creative等海内外文学刊物及中诗网等平台发表多篇翻译作品,译著有《英译增广贤文》《阿J之歌》《残忍月光》《尼采洞穴中的黏土碑》《孤云》《爱在岁岁轮回》,主编中英双语诗画册《我的世界》;曾为多家优质文化与翻译平台担任英文朗诵。

MA Tingting, MA in Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics from Shandong Normal University, a lecturer of the School of Foreign Languages in Shandong Women’s University; the guest editor of Rendition of International Poetry, member of Editorial Committee of Academic journal Academic Horizon. She has published her translation works on International Poetry Translation, American bilingual poetry periodical Poetry HallPomezia-Notizie in Italy, Young Creative in Uzbekistan and other domestic and foreign literary publications. She is the author of many books, including The Wisdom of Ancient Aphorisms, The Song of Ah J, Cruel Moonlight, Clay Tablet in Nietzsche’s Cave, Solitary Cloud and Love in the cycle of years. She is also the chief editor of the Chinese-English bilingual poetry book My World.


WU Tianyi


Wu Tianyi, Timmy, a 9th grader of a bilingual school in Shanghai, is fond of English literature reading.  An active participant in public benefit activities, he strives to be a practitioner of international exchange and communication of traditional Chinese culture.





ZHANG Fuye, professor and doctoral supervisor at the Academy of Arts & Design of Tsinghua University, distinguished professor and doctoral supervisor of the  Chinese National Academy of Arts, and member of the Expert Steering Committee of the Chinese National Academy of Arts and Crafts. Executive Director of China Association of Ethnic and Folk Artists, Member of Graphic Design Art Committee of China Artists Association, Vice President of Creative China Design Alliance, and Executive President of Beijing Guozhong Ceramic Research Institute. He was a visiting researcher at Tokyo University of the Arts in Japan, editor-in-chief of ZHUANGSHI Magazine , a core journal of Chinese art, director of the Art History Theory Department of the Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, and director of the Institute of World Art History. He is the author of many monographs and teaching materials, such as History of Foreign Arts and Crafts, History of World Decorative Art, History of Foreign Modern Design, and Japanese Fine Arts, and has published many academic papers of great influence in domestic academic circles. He has planned and hosted large-scale academic activities and professional forums for national art and design education for several times, and has made important contributions to the development of Chinese art and design.

While studying art theories, Zhang is also actively involved in artistic creation, and has accomplished a lot in painting, calligraphy, seal cutting, and ceramics. He has held many individual art exhibitions at home and abroad, and his works have won many awards for their elegant and unique style. His works were collected by international organizations, cultural and educational institutions, art groups and related institutions and individuals in France, Britain, Italy, Spain, Japan, etc. He enjoys a reputation of "scholar-type artist" in academic circles.

项目主编 | 赵彦春      英文朗诵 | 邬建军、邬天一

中文朗诵 | 李炜炜      英文朗诵 | 马婷婷

执行编辑 | 闫格华      音乐推荐 | 徐艺玮

图文编辑 | 赵宇飞      简介译者 | 王醒

  策划监制 | 譯經团队   特约画家 | 张夫也


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