First, I really want to take this opportunity to congratulate China to this remarkable achievement.首先,借此机会,我真心祝贺中国取得了这一非凡成就。 The space station, as you say, it is there and it will be open for international projects and research, and it's a truly international effort in that sense and therefore, this is an amazing achievement not only for China's national space program,中国空间站就在那里,它将对国际合作项目和研究活动开放,从这个意义上说,这是真正的国际化的努力,因此,这不仅是中国航天计划的一项伟大成就, but also internationally for further space exploration, research and space activities at the international scale.也是进一步提高国际太空探索和研究活动效率的成就。 So I really want to congratulate China for this. On behalf of International Astronautical Federation, I would like to really congratulate China, the Chinese people, the Chinese leadership,我在此向中国表示真诚的祝贺。我谨代表国际宇航联合会,向中国、中国人民、中国领导人 all the people that have contributed to achieve this outstanding point to have the China Space Station completed and being now ready for full fledged exploitation.以及所有做出贡献的人们表达祝贺,中国空间站已经建成,也已准备好进行全新的探索。 This is a major achievement. It will write history. And I really congratulate China to this outstanding step and achievement.这是一项重大成就。将书写历史。我衷心祝贺中国迈出了这重要一步。 Jimmy Carter, 98, the oldest living former US president, has opted to spend his final days at his Georgia home receiving hospice care, his namesake nonprofit foundation says.现年98岁的吉米.卡特是目前在世最年长的美国前总统。卡特决定不再接受医疗干预,而是选择在佐治亚州的家中接受临终关怀服务。他的同名非营利基金会表示。 "After a series of short hospital stays, former US President Jimmy Carter today decided to spend his remaining time at home with his family and receive hospice care instead of additional medical intervention," the Carter Center said."He has the full support of his family and his medical team."“在经过一系列的短期住院治疗后,前总统吉米·卡特决定放弃接受医疗干预,选择在家中与家人共度生命的最后时日。”卡特中心的声明说,“这一决定获得了他的家人和医疗团队全力支持。”The Carter Center did not say what prompted the nonagenarian to forgo "additional medical intervention".卡特中心的声明并未详细说明卡特近期为何就诊以及为何选择接受临终关怀。 One of his grandsons, Jason Carter, tweeted late on Saturday: "I saw both of my grandparents yesterday. They are at peace and — as always — their home is full of love."周六(18日)下午,卡特的孙子杰森·卡特表示,他前一天探望了祖父祖母,“他们如往常一般很平和,他们的家中也充满了爱”。 Carter has overcome serious health problems in recent years, most notably when he announced in 2015 that he had brain cancer but late that year declared he was cancer free after treatment, according to US media reports.卡特近年来遭遇了一系列健康危机。2015年,他被诊出脑部有肿瘤。但治疗过后,医生在当年年底宣布卡特脑内已无癌细胞存在。据美国媒体报道。As Carter opted for hospice care, CNN Medical Analyst thought that many people might be unfamiliar with hospice care beyond a vague understanding that some people receive it toward the end of life. 当卡特选择临终关怀时,CNN医学分析师认为,许多人可能对临终关怀并不熟悉,因为他们模糊地认识到,有些人会在即将去世时接受临终关怀。 There can be benefits and blessings for the person receiving the care and their loved ones, but there are also some common misconceptions about what it involves.接受照顾的人和他们所爱的人可能会得到安慰和祝福,但也有一些常见的误解。 Hospice care is a type of specialty medical care for people near the end of their lives that focuses on maximizing comfort for the patient and support for the patient and their family. That includes reducing physical pain and tending to the psychological, emotional and spiritual needs of the patient and the family.临终关怀是一种针对生命即将结束的人的专业医疗护理,专注于最大限度地为患者提供舒适环境,并为患者及其家人提供支持。这其中就包括减少身体疼痛,照顾患者和家人的心理、情感和精神需求。 Generally, to qualify for hospice care, the patient must have an incurable medical condition with an anticipated life expectancy of less than six months. 一般来说,要获得临终关怀的资格,患者必须患有无法治愈的疾病,预期寿命不到六个月。 The types of medical conditions that patients have include end-stage cancer, advanced dementia, heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.患者的疾病类型包括终末期癌症、晚期痴呆、心力衰竭和慢性阻塞性肺病。 推荐视频