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战前星期天 | 陆谷孙译

日期: 来源:独霸上海的妖怪收集编辑:阿瑟·克拉顿


这周的文学专栏带大家阅读一部非常动人的英国散文:战前星期天。作者是英国散文家阿瑟·克拉顿-布洛克(Arthur Clutton-Brock)。



Sunday Before the War

作者 | Arthur Clutton-Brock
译者 | 陆谷孙
原著 | 《英国散文名篇欣赏》
出版 | 上海外语教育出版社


On Sunday, in a remote valley in the West of England, where the people are few and scattered and placid, there was no more sign among them than the quiet hills of the anxiety that holds the world. They had no news and seemed to want none. The postmaster was ordered to stay all day in his little post-office, and that was something unusual that interested them, just only because it affected the postmaster.


  • scattered ['skætəd] adj. covering a wide area 分散的,稀稀拉拉的

  • placid ['plæsɪd] adj. having a calm appearance or characteristics 温和的

  • postmaster ['pəʊstmɑːstə] n.[C] 邮政局长


It rained in the morning, but the afternoon was clear and glorious and shining, with all distances revealed far into the heart of Wales and to the high ridges of the Welsh mountains. The cottages of that valley are not gathered into villages, but two or three together or lonely among their fruit-trees on the hillside; and the cottagers, who are always courteous and friendly, said a word or two as one went by, but just what they would have said on any other day and without any question about the war.  


  • glorious ['glɔːrɪəs] adj. very beautiful 辉煌的,壮丽的

  • ridge [rɪdʒ] n. a long, narrow raised part of a surface, especially a high edge along a mountain 脊,山脊

  • cottage ['kɒtɪdʒ] n.[C] a small house, usually in the countryside 村舍,小屋

  • gather ['gæðə] v. When people or animals gather, they come together in a group. 聚集

  • cottager ['kɒtɪdʒə] n.[C] a person who lives in a cottage 住在乡村小屋的人,村民

  • courteous ['kɜːtjəs] adj. polite and showing respect 彬彬有礼的,客气的

Indeed, they seemed to know, or to wish to know, as little about that as the earth itself, which beautiful there at any time, seemed that afternoon to wear an extreme and pathetic beauty. The country, more than any other in the England, has the secret of peace. 


It is not wild, though it looks into the wildness of Wales; but all its cultivation, its orchards and hopyards and fields of golden wheat, seem to have the beauty of time upon them, as if men there had long lived happily upon the earth with no desire for change nor fear of decay. It is not a sad beauty of a past cut off from the present, but a mellowness that the present inherits from the past; and in the mellowness all the hillside seems a garden to the spacious farmhouses and the little cottages; each led up to by its own narrow, flowery lane. 


  • cultivation [kʌltɪ'veɪʃn] n. 耕作,耕种

  • orchard ['ɔːtʃəd] n.[C] an area of land where fruit trees (but not orange trees or other citrus trees) are grown 果园;果树林

  • decay [dɪ'keɪ] n.[U] the process of decaying 腐烂,腐朽

  • mellowness n. 成熟,芳醇

  • inherit [ɪn'herɪt] v. to receive money, a house, etc. from someone after they have died 继承

  • spacious ['speɪʃəs] adj. large and with a lot of space 宽敞的,广阔的

  • lane [leɪn] n. 小道

There the meadows are all lawns with the lustrous green of spring even in August, and often over-shadowed by old fruit-trees – cherry, or apple, or pear; and on Sunday after the rain there was an April glory and freshness added to the quiet of the later summer.


  • meadow ['medəʊ] n.[C] a field with wild grass and flowers 草地;牧场

  • lawn [lɔːn] n.[C,U] an area of grass, especially near to a house or in a park, that is cut regularly to keep it short 草坪;草地

  • lustrous ['lʌstrəs] adj. very shiny 光亮的,有光泽的

  • overshadow [əʊvə'ʃædəʊ] v. if a tall building, mountain etc overshadows a place, it is very close to it and much taller than it 〔高楼、高山等〕遮蔽,遮挡〔周围某处〕


Nowhere and never in the world can there have been a deeper peace; and the bells from the little red church down by the river seemed to be the music of it, as the song of birds is the music of spring. There one saw how beautiful the life of man can be, and how men by the innocent labours of many generations can give to the earth a beauty it has never known in its wildness. And all this peace, one knew, was threatened; and the threat came into one’s mind as if it were a soundless message from over the great eastward plain; and with it the beauty seemed unsubstantial and strange, as if it were sinking away into the past, as if it were only the memory of childhood.


  • sb's labours / labours of sb a period of hard work 某人的辛勤劳动

  • eastward ['iːstwəd] adj. 向东方的,朝东的

  • plain [pleɪn] n.[C]  a large area of flat land 平原

  • unsubstantial [ʌnsəbˈstanʃəl] adj. 薄弱的;不坚固的;无实质的


So it is always when the mind is troubled among happy things, and then one almost wishes they could share one’s troubles and become more real with it. It seemed on that Sunday that a golden age had lasted till yesterday, and that the earth had still to learn the news of its ending. And this change has come, not by the will of God, not even by the will of man, but because some few men far away were afraid to be open and generous with each other. There was a power in their hands so great that it frightened them. There was a spring that they knew they must not touch, and, like mischievous and nervous children, they had touched it at last, and now all the world was to suffer for their mischief.


  • be generous with 对...大方

  • mischievous ['mɪstʃɪvəs] adj. behaving in a way, or describing behaviour, that is slightly bad but is not intended to cause serious harm or damage 淘气的,顽皮的

  • mischief ['mɪstʃɪf] n.[U] behaviour, especially a child's, that is slightly bad but is not intended to cause serious harm or damage 胡闹,调皮捣蛋,恶作剧


So the next morning one saw a reservist in his uniform saying goodbye to his wife and children at his cottage-gate and then walking up the hill that leads out of the valley with a cheerful smile still on his face. There was the first open sign of trouble, a very little one, and he made the least of it; and, after all, this valley is very far from any possible war, and its harvest and its vintages of perry and cider will surely be gathered in peace.


  • reservist [rɪ'zɜːvɪst] n.[C] a person who is trained as a soldier and is ready to fight in the army if needed 后备役军人;预备役军人

  • cheerful ['tʃɪəfʊl] adj. 高兴的,快乐的,愉快的

  • vintage ['vɪntɪdʒ] n.[C] a particular year or place in which a wine is made, or the wine itself〔特定年份或地区〕酿制的酒

  • perry ['perɪ] n. an alcoholic drink made from pears 梨酒

  • cider ['saɪdə] n. an alcoholic drink made from apples 苹果酒


But what happiness can there be in that peace, or what security in the mind of man, when the madness of war is let loose in so many other valleys? Here there is a beauty inherited from the past, and added to the earth by man’s will; but the men here are of the same nature and subject to the same madness as those who are gathering to fight on the frontiers. We are all men with the same power of making and destroying, with the same divine foresight mocked by the same animal blindness. 


  • let loose to do sth or to happen in a way that is not controlled 不受控制;自在发生
  • nature ['neɪtʃə] n. a person's character 性格,本性
  • be subject to sth 容易受...影响
  • frontier ['frʌntɪə] n.[C] a border between two countries 边界,边境
  • divine [dɪ'vaɪn] adj. connected with a god, or like a god 神的;像神一样的
  • foresight ['fɔːsaɪt] n. the ability to judge correctly what is going to happen in the future and plan your actions based on this knowledge 预见,先见之明
  • mock [mɒk] v. to laugh at sb/sth in an unkind way, especially by copying what they say or do 愚弄,嘲弄
  • blindness [ˈblaɪndnɪs] n. 无知,愚昧

We ourselves may not be in fault today, but it is human beings in no way different from us who are doing what we abhor and they abhor even while they do it. There is a fate, coming from the beast in our own past, that the present man in us has not yet mastered, and for the moment that fate seems a malignity in the nature of the universe that mocks us even in the beauty of these lonely hills. 

  • be in fault 有过错
  • abhor [əb'hɔː] v. to hate sth, for example a way of behaving or thinking, especially for moral reasons 憎恶,厌恶,讨厌
  • fate [feɪt] n.[C] 命运
  • beast [biːst] n. an animal, especially a large or wild one 野兽
  • malignity [mə'lɪɡnɪtɪ] n. Intense ill will or hatred; great malice. 极度的恶意,恶毒

But it is not so, for we are not separate and indifferent like the beasts; and if one nation for the moment forgets our common humanity and its future, then another must take over that sacred charge and guard it without hatred or fear until the madness is passed. May that be our task now, so that we may wage war only for the future peace of the world and with the lasting courage that needs no stimulant of hate.

  • indifferent [ɪn'dɪfərənt] adj. not thinking about or interested in someone or something 不关心的,冷淡的,中立的
  • humanity [hjʊ'mænɪtɪ] n. 人类,人道,仁慈
  • take over sth 接收,接管
  • sacred ['seɪkrɪd] adj. connected with God or a god; considered to be holy 神圣的;庄严的
  • hatred ['heɪtrɪd] n. an angry feeling of extreme dislike for someone or something 憎恨;怨恨
  • wage war 宣战
  • lasting ['lɑːstɪŋ] adj. 持久的,永恒的
  • stimulant ['stɪmjʊlənt] n. something that makes or causes something else to grow or develop 兴奋剂,刺激物

The End


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