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双语 | 莱山区:中宠产业园项目

日期: 来源:胶东在线收集编辑:胶东在线

莱山区 | “中宠产业园”项目:连续四年上新,宠物零食全球NO.1的硬核实力

  China Pet Foods Industry Park in Laishan: New Products for 4 Years in a Row, Strength of World's NO.1 Pet Snack Company


  The China Pet Foods Industry Park is a selected provincial project in 2021, which started construction in June 2021 and was put into production in June 2022. The project is invested and constructed by China Pet Foods with a total investment of 1.58 billion RMB, covering an area of 270 acres, mainly for intelligent, fully-automatic production and inspection lines of dried pet food and wet pet food. The 5.0 smart pet food factory that has been put into production is world's very first intelligent factory that integrates intelligence, technology and digitization in the pet industry.


  The project has following features:Strong comprehensive strength. China Pet Foods. is the world's largest pet snack company and a leading company in China's pet industry. It has the most advanced pet food R&D center, the highest standard testing center, and world's most advanced factory for dried pet food. It has passed 16 globally authoritative certifications, including ISO9001.


  Complete product category. The products cover 10 categories, including over 1,000 varieties of pet snacks, wet pet food, dried pet food and etc. The products have been exported to 60 countries and regions in five continents and are sold in 34 provinces in China.


  Broad prospects for development. Adhering to the principle of "pet food as the main business, while integrating the entire industrial chain", the company is actively layout related projects such as pet supplies, pet medical care, and pet training to complement main business. An additional 234 acres of land has been reserved for future planning around the industry park, bringing the total area to 504 acres and creating an all-around production base for the entire pet product industrial chain.


  It is expected that by 2025, the company's business revenue will exceed 10 billion RMB and become the largest pet food manufacturer and sales company in China and also a global leader in the pet industry.


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