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Experts discuss sustainable development & carbon neutrality goal

日期: 来源:中国国际经济交流中心收集编辑:
China Economy: Officials, industry experts discuss sustainable development & carbon neutrality goals
China has a role to play in accelerating the world's clean energy transition. The message came at an event in Wuxi, east China's Jiangsu Province. Government officials and industry experts discussed China's pursuit of sustainable development and how to achieve carbon neutrality. Also in attendance were representatives of international companies and foreign business councils. On the agenda were talks on expanding domestic demand, promoting sustainable and low-carbon development, and accelerating the transition to a green economy. 
NING JIZHE, Former Vice Chairman, National Development and Reform Commission "Expanding domestic demand, stabilizing growth, and promoting overall improvement in economic operation are important basis for sustainable development. We should increase residents' income and expand employment through multiple channels and continue to enhance their consumption capacity. At the same time, we need to improve consumption conditions, innovate consumption scenarios, expand online and offline integration, and unleash the consumption potential of automobiles and other needs."


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