HLA Group
(600398 CH)
Growth initiatives: co-branding marketing breakthroughs, youthful rebranding and physical store expansion
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投资要点/Investment Thesis
投资要点/Investment Thesis
Cost-effective edge aids recovery; multi-faceted marketing rejuvenates branding
With its cost-effective mass market positioning, HLA is relatively better able to maximize demand recovery opportunities in business consumption demand. In this light, it is revitalizing its business with a more youthful rebranding through cultural and sports celebrity endorsements, show sponsorships and other means. One example is its collaboration with CCTV in the Spring Festival Gala to raise its national profile.
Physical store expansion plan enhances quality and efficiency
HLA's physical store count exceeded 7,800 as of 22Q3, an increase of 189 from the beginning of the year. We expect it will maintain its store expansion momentum. As it expands stores that are housed in malls, we expect its store quality will rise.
Products align with consumer demand; optimized structure and stable operations
HLA's product designs closely align with consumer needs in application scenarios such as health, comfort wear and sports. It has rolled out innovative fabrics with high-tech functions like honeycomb thermal conductivity, triple-defenses and six-strength elasticity. We observe two main impacts. First, cross-collaborations and co-branding marketing breakthroughs enable HLA to express a more youthful vibe by iteratively launching bestselling lines that are both trendy and functionally innovative to satisfy mainstream consumers. Second, it reorganized and optimized its product structure for wider demand coverage in terms of age, functions, scenarios and categories.
切入冰雪网球等高端运动赛道,公司于2021年获得国际高端运动品牌海德大中华区服饰板块授权并于同年12月北京开出全国首店,22年底上海首店开业,为运动爱好者和专业人士提供卓越的装备体验。同时海德与PORSCHE Design、Gucci Vault等多个高端奢侈品牌合作推出联名系列,有望进一步深化消费者认知,未来或成为新增长点。
Entering high-end sports channels like tennis, and ice and snow sports
To enter these high-end sports markets, HLA obtained the license for international high-end sports brand Hyde Greater China's apparel segment in 2021. It opened the first China store in Beijing in December that year and the first store in Shanghai at the end of 2022, providing sports enthusiasts and professionals with access to quality equipment. Hyde also collaborated with a number of luxury brands such as Porsche Design and Gucci Vault to launch co-branded collections, which we believe will increase consumer awareness and could establish a new growth driver in the future.
Digitalization empowers supply chain; smart manufacturing better fulfills demand
The company beefed up three digital platforms to manage product development data, and supply chain and retail operations to operate efficiently and empower both its upstream and downstream. It also completed R&D on a smart cutting system that enables personalization and group customization, and has built an initial flexible production line to automate smart cutting.
投资建议/Investment Ideas
Valuation and risks
We maintain our profit forecasts and BUY rating. HLA's brand matrix covers a wide business footprint, its supply chain resources have matured to higher standards, and its digitized system is effective. To widen its more youthful brand outreach, it plans to expand its offline store footprint. As a leisure apparel leader, HLA is well placed to expand its market share. We expect revenue of RMB20.31bn/22.40bn/24.50bn in 2022/23/24E, with net profit at RMB2.26bn/2.69bn/3.0bn, implying RMB0.52/0.62/0.69 EPS.
Risks include: weaker-than-expected end consumption; intensifying competition; inventory management impairment risks; and brand cultivation uncertainties.
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