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基于此,中科院崔光磊研究员&青岛科大李桂村教授团队,在国际知名期刊Energy Storage Materials上发表题为“Eutectic electrolytes with leveling effects achieving high depth-of-discharge of rechargeable zinc batteries”的研究论文。
与Zn2+之间高结合能的DBS–阴离子进入Zn2+的第一溶剂化壳层,减缓了Zn2+的电化学还原动力学,实现了均匀、致密且光亮的锌沉积。锌负极在50%的高放电深度下具有约600 mAh cm–2的累积容量。此外,该电解质在锌负极限量(N/P=2)的苛刻条件下运行Zn//Na3V2(PO4)3全电池,循环后100次容量保持率为79.7%。
Schematic Zn2+ deposition in a conventional electrolyte and an electrolyte with levelling effect.
本 文 要 点
Zn(DBS)2在水中表现出极低的溶解度(<0.01 M),而具有氢键供体(-NH2)和路易斯碱性(-C=O)的乙酰胺(Ace)是与该锌盐形成共晶电解质的理想候选者。Zn(DBS)2/Ace低共熔体在不同摩尔比例下的DSC和红外光谱测试数据证实了Ace与Zn(DBS)2之间氢键作用和路易斯酸碱作用,促进了该共晶电解质的形成。
在此基础上引入的少量水分子有效降低了共晶电解质的粘度,增加了离子电导率。对比同样组成的Zn(TFSI)2电解质,Zn(DBS)2电解质中的Zn//Zn电池在长时间静置后具有更低的电荷转移阻抗,且在Zn// Na3V2(PO4)3电池中表现出更稳定的浮充电流。
Figure 1. Preparation and characterization of the eutectic electrolyte. (a) Optical images of dissolution phenomenon of Zn(DBS)2 in H2O (left) and a mixture of H2O and Ace (right). (b) DSC curves of eutectic electrolytes with different Zn(DBS)2/Ace molar ratios. Ace alone is also included as a comparison. (c) FTIR results of eutectic electrolytes with different Zn(DBS)2/Ace molar ratios. (d) Variation of viscosity and conductivity for the 0.5 M Zn(DBS)2/H2O-Ace with different Zn(DBS)2/Ace molar ratios at room temperature. (e) Evolution of interfacial charge transfer resistance in the assembled Zn//Zn cells using Zn(DBS)2 electrolyte and Zn(TFSI)2 electrolyte respectively. (f) Time dependence of the floating currents of fully charged Zn//Na3V2(PO4)3 cells hold at a constant voltage of 1.7 V using different electrolytes.
使用Zn(DBS)2电解质的Zn//Cu电池在低放电深度(0.5%~1% DODZn)下的平均库伦效率达到99.1%,Zn//Zn电池稳定循环接近2000h。为了在接近实际应用的条件下评估锌负极的可逆性,Zn//Cu电池在50% DODZn 的苛刻条件下进行测试。在5 mAh cm–2的高面容量下,使用Zn(DBS)2电解质的Zn//Cu电池实现约600 mAh cm–2的累积容量,比Zn(TFSI)2的电解质高出23倍。N/P=2的严苛条件下Zn//Na3V2(PO4)3全电池在100次循环后容量保持率为79.7%。
Figure 2. Electrochemical reversibility and stability of Zn anodes in different electrolytes. (a) Coulombic efficiency (CE) of Zn plating/stripping on Cu foil at a current density of 0.5 mA cm−2 (1 mAh cm−2 for each half cycle, corresponding to 1% DODZn). (b) Galvanostatic cycling of symmetrical Zn//Zn cells at a current density of 0.5 mA cm−2 (0.5 mAh cm−2 for each half cycle, corresponding to 0.5% DODZn). The cycling performances of Zn//Cu cells at a current density of 1 mA cm−2 and 50% DODZn with different areal capacities of (c) 1 mAh cm−2, (d) 2.5 mAh cm−2 and (e) 5mAh cm−2. (f) Relationship between areal capacity, cumulative galvanic capacity, and cycle life. (g) The cycling performance and corresponding CE of Zn//NVP cells with the N/P ratio of 2 at a current density of 0.3 mA cm−2.
Figure 3. Morphology and crystallography characterizations of Zn electrodeposits from different electrolytes. Typical SEM images of Zn deposits on Cu substrate with (a) Zn(TFSI)2 electrolyte and (b) Zn(DBS)2 electrolyte, respectively. The Zn deposits were obtained by plating at a current density of 0.5 mA cm2 with areal capacity of 4 mAh cm2. The insets display the optical photos of Zn deposits on Cu foil. (c) X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of Zn deposits obtained in different electrolytes. Cross-sectional SEM images and EDS-mapping of Zn deposits obtained in (d) Zn(TFSI)2 electrolyte and (e) Zn(DBS)2 electrolyte, respectively. Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) images and root mean square (RMS) roughness of Zn deposits obtained in (f) Zn(TFSI)2 electrolyte and (g) Zn(DBS)2 electrolyte. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) to obtain topographic surface images and roughness (Sq) of Zn deposits in (h) Zn(TFSI)2 electrolyte and (i) Zn(DBS)2 electrolyte.
Figure 5. Kinetics of Zn electrodeposition in different electrolytes. (a) The exchange current density (j0) for Zn plating/stripping based on Tafel analysis, which is performed using Zn plate as the working and counter electrode, Ag/AgCl as the reference electrode at a scan rate of 0.2 mV s−1. Tafel plots were obtained by plotting the overpotential of Zn plating/stripping to the natural log of the current density in the CV curve. j0 was calculated by the slope that extracted from the linear fitting of the overpotential to the applied current. (b) Voltage profiles of Zn plating and stripping processes in 3rd cycle in different electrolytes at a current density of 0.5 mA cm−2 and areal capacity of 1 mAh cm−2. The cut-off voltage is set as 0.5 V. (c) Voltage profile of Zn plating on a Cu foil in the first cycle at a current density of 0.5 mA cm−2. (d) Chronoamperograms of Zn plating at an overpotential of −200 mV with Zn foil as the working and the counter electrode, Ag/AgCl as the reference electrode.
Figure 6. Theoretical simulations of solvation structures of different electrolytes. Radial distribution functions (RDFs) and coordination number (CN) for (a) Zn2+-O(H2O), (b) Zn2+-O(Ace) and (c) Zn2+-O(DBS−/TFSI−) from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of Zn(DBS)2 electrolyte and Zn(TFSI)2 electrolyte. The vertical dashed line is the cutoff radius in calculating CN. (d) Total binding energies of the most probable solvated Zn complexes in Zn(DBS)2 electrolyte and Zn(TFSI)2 electrolytes obtained from DFT calculations.
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Eutectic electrolytes with leveling effects achieving high depth-of-discharge of rechargeable zinc batteries
通 讯 作 者 简 介
陈政副研究员简介: 陈政,中国科学院青岛能源所副研究员。2017年于中科院大连化物所获得物理化学博士学位,随后加入中国科学院青岛能源所固态能源系统技术中心。主要研究方向为发展适用于规模储能的低成本、高安全特征的水系电池和双离子电池,相关研究工作发表在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、ACS Energy Lett.、ChemSusChem、Energy Storage Materials等期刊。
李桂村教授简介:李桂村,青岛科技大学材料科学与工程学院教授,博士生导师,曾获“山东省有突出贡献的中青年专家”、“青岛市拔尖人才”等荣誉称号。2021年入选由斯坦福大学John P. A. Ioannidis教授团队与Elsevier旗下Mendeley Data发布的全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单。研究成果在Energy Environ. Sci.、Adv. Mater.、ACS Nano、Small Methods、J. Mater. Chem. A、J. Power Sources、J. Energy Chem.、Carbon、Nano Res.国际期刊发表120多篇学术论文。
2005年于中国科学院化学所获得有机化学博士学位。2005年9月至2009年先后在德国马普协会高分子所和固态所从事博士后研究。2009年至今,任职于中国科学院青岛生物能源与过程研究所。在能源材料、化学、器件等方面的国际权威杂志Nat. Commun.、J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Joule、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Adv. Mater.、Environ. Energy Sci.等发表文章260多篇,他引超20000次。
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