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Decarbonizing the steel industry

Steel industry plays a key role in reducing global carbon emissions. In this Focus we highlight the steel industry reform and recent research developments towards low-carbon technologies and advanced steel products. 


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Steel underpins modern society but its production generates intensive carbon dioxide emissions. For its sustainable development, the steel industry requires technology and product upgrades, driven by innovation and cooperation.

Striving for green steel
The recent extreme weather, such as the heatwaves, that raged across the world this summer is a reminder of the severe consequences of human-induced global climate change. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, typically CO2, remains at the top of the agenda in response to the deepening climate crisis, and low-carbon materials and technological solutions are indispensable. Research and development on renewable energy sources to replace fossil fuels is crucial, as is the increased investment in the industrial chains for photovoltaics, battery vehicles, hydrogen energy and other frontier technologies. But, in the meantime, we cannot neglect the fact that iron and steel are still the fundamental materials for the modern world and emissions cuts in this sector are urgently required.
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doi: 10.1038/s41563-022-01379-y



The steel industry in China has an important role in reducing national and global carbon emissions, demanding integrated actions and efforts across policies, industry and science to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality.

Carbon neutrality orientates the reform of the steel industry

Climate change is a global issue facing all of humanity. The amount of greenhouse gases continues to soar as carbon dioxide is heavily emitted from various sectors in countries across the whole world, posing a serious threat to human health and the environment. In this context, countries across the world jointly strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the form of a global agreement, aiming to achieve the objectives of carbon dioxide peaking and carbon neutrality, a state of net-zero carbon dioxide emissions. To comply with these targets, the socioeconomic, energy and industrial systems, as well as the consumption behaviour of individuals, would be dramatically reconstructed.

Climate change is a global issue facing all of humanity. The amount of greenhouse gases continues to soar as carbon dioxide is heavily emitted from various sectors in countries across the whole world, posing a serious threat to human health and the environment. In this context, countries across the world jointly strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the form of a global agreement, aiming to achieve the objectives of carbon dioxide peaking and carbon neutrality, a state of net-zero carbon dioxide emissions. To comply with these targets, the socioeconomic, energy and industrial systems, as well as the consumption behaviour of individuals, would be dramatically reconstructed.

Recognized as a fundamental sector that provides indispensable raw materials, and with the production output continuing to increase (Fig. 1a), the steel industry has become one of the main battlefields to combat carbon emissions. In 2019, the carbon dioxide emissions of the global steel industry reached 3.64 billion tons, accounting for ~10% of the total global emissions. China is the world’s largest steel producer and consumer, with carbon emissions from its steel sector accounting for >50% of the global steel industry total (Fig. 1b) and >15% of domestic carbon emissions. This highlights the imperative significance of steel industry decarbonization in China, which should be facilitated through technological upgrading in steel production and industrial structure optimization supported by efficient policy implementation.

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Crude steel production and carbon emissions in the steel industry.

Low-carbon steelmaking technological routes based on BF–BOF and EAF processes.

Zhuo Kang, Qingliang Liao, Zheng Zhang & Yue Zhang 

doi: 10.1038/s41563-022-01370-7


Gang Qian from CITIC Pacific Special Steel, one of the major steelmakers in China, talks to Nature Materials about their experience and perspective on moving towards decarbonization.

Innovation for green

Please tell us about your professional background and CITIC Pacific Special Steel.
I obtained a PhD in metallurgy and have been engaged in technical research, product development, factory practice and business management in the area of iron and steel metallurgy for 34 years. I am currently Chairman at CITIC Pacific Special Steel and also serve as Vice President of the China Iron and Steel Association and President of the Special Steel Enterprises Association of China.

The roots of CITIC Pacific Special Steel can be traced back to 1890, when Han-Ye-Ping Iron and Coal Company was founded by Zhidong Zhang, the Viceroy of Huguang, in the late Qing dynasty. After more than 130 years of change and development, it has become one of the leading special steel manufacturers, offering a production capacity of 16 million tons per year and supplying to China and more than 60 countries and regions abroad. Our special steel products include steel bars, seamless steel pipes, special metallurgical products, steel wires, steel plates and other derivative products. The main applications are in industries such as the automobile, energy, rail transport, construction, machinery and aerospace sectors. Specifically, our bearing-steel products, created using the high-efficiency and high-yield continuous-cast process, can achieve a total oxygen content lower than 5 ppm and a fatigue life in line with the leading steel industry level. We supply to the major bearing manufacturers in the world, across various industries such as the automobile, high-speed rail and aviation sectors, and for major key machinery and equipment. In 2021, we achieved a sales volume of 2.05 million tons for bearing steels, placing us among the top producers globally. Our company is also one of the largest steel suppliers for auto parts.

The steel industry is now facing the tough task of reducing carbon dioxide emissions, especially in China. As one of the largest steelmakers, what are your strategies to meet the target and requirement of decarbonization?
As an international enterprise and a major supplier in this sector, it is our duty to strive for sustainable development and make our contribution to a cleaner world. To realize this goal, we have formulated a low-carbon sustainable development roadmap, committed to empowering ‘green manufacturing’ and contributing to ‘manufacturing green’. We started with the use of low-carbon technologies during the production process for green manufacturing. The development of advanced products that are high strength and lightweight and have a long life is also essential, to promote carbon reduction in the downstream industry and help end users to achieve green manufacturing. Moreover, with deepening cooperation in the industrial chain, we plan to develop more products to satisfy application needs in clean energy sectors to help manufacture green.
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Interviewed by Xin Li

doi: 10.1038/s41563-022-01371-6


The variation in the properties of rare earth (RE) steels is shown to stem from the presence of oxygen-based inclusions, and only under very-low-oxygen conditions can RE elements perform a vital role in purifying, modifying and micro-alloying steels.

Low-oxygen rare earth steels

Rare earth (RE) addition to steels to produce RE steels has been widely applied when aiming to improve steel properties. However, RE steels have exhibited extremely variable mechanical performances, which has become a bottleneck in the past few decades for their production, utilization and related study. Here in this work, we discovered that the property variation of RE steels stems from the presence of oxygen-based inclusions. We proposed a dual low-oxygen technology, and keeping low levels of oxygen content in steel melts and particularly in the raw RE materials, which have long been ignored, to achieve impressively stable and favourable RE effects. The fatigue life is greatly improved by only parts-per-million-level RE addition, with a 40-fold improvement for the tension–compression fatigue life and a 40% enhancement of the rolling contact fatigue life. We find that RE appears to act by lowering the carbon diffusion rate and by retarding ferrite nucleation at the austenite grain boundaries. Our study reveals that only under very low-oxygen conditions can RE perform a vital role in purifying, modifying and micro-alloying steels, to improve the performance of RE steels.

The superior effects of RE addition on the tensile–compression and rolling contact fatigue lives of 52100 steels.

Dianzhong Li, Pei Wang, Xing-Qiu Chen, Paixian Fu, Yikun Luan, Xiaoqiang Hu, Hongwei Liu, Mingyue Sun, Yun Chen, Yanfei Cao, Leigang Zheng, Jinzhu Gao, Yangtao Zhou, Lei Zhang, Xiuliang Ma, Chunli Dai, Chaoyun Yang, Zhonghua Jiang, Yang Liu & Yiyi Li 

doi: 10.1038/s41563-022-01352-9


Application of electromotive force between molten iron–carbon and slag is shown to decarburize iron. Electrorefining decarburizes by direct interfacial electrochemical reaction, resulting in low solubilized oxygen in iron, even at low carbon concentration.

Electrorefining for direct decarburization of molten iron
Recycling iron and steel is critical for environmental sustainability and essential to close material loops in circular economics. A major challenge is to produce high-value products and to control impurities like carbon in the face of stringent consumer requirements and volatile markets. Here, we develop an electrorefining process that directly decarburizes molten iron by imposing an electromotive force between it and a slag electrolyte. Upon anodic polarization, oxide anions from the slag discharge directly on carbon dissolved in molten iron, evolving gaseous carbon monoxide. In a striking departure from conventional practice that highly relies on reaction with solubilized oxygen, here electrorefining achieves decarburization by direct interfacial reaction. We demonstrate that this technique produces ultra-low-carbon steels and recovers silicon as a by-product at the cathode, requiring a low energy input and no reagents. We expect this process to be scalable and integrable with secondary steel mills.

Experiments demonstrate electrorefining for direct decarburization of molten iron containing 3.78 wt% carbon at 1,600 °C.

William D. Judge, Jaesuk Paeng & Gisele Azimi 

doi: 10.1038/s41563-021-01106-z

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