
编译 | 李言

Nature, 1 September 2022, Volume 609 Issue 7925


材料科学Material Science

Aligned macrocycle pores in ultrathin films for accurate molecular sieving


 作者:Zhiwei Jiang, Ruijiao Dong, Austin M. Evans et al.








Here, we synthesized selectively functionalized macrocycles with differentiated reactivities that preferentially aligned to create well-defined pores across an ultrathin nanofilm. The ordered structure was enhanced by reducing the nanofilm thickness down to several nanometres. This orientated architecture enabled direct visualization of subnanometre macrocycle pores in the nanofilm surfaces, with the size tailored to ångström precision by varying the macrocycle identity. Aligned macrocycle membranes provided twice the methanol permeance and higher selectivity compared to disordered counterparts. Used in high-value separations, exemplified here by enriching cannabidiol oil, they achieved one order of magnitude faster ethanol transport and threefold higher enrichment than commercial state-of-the-art membranes. This approach offers a feasible strategy for creating subnanometre channels in polymer membranes, and demonstrates their potential for accurate molecular separations.

Heterodimensional superlattice with in-plane anomalous Hall effect


 作者:Jiadong Zhou, Wenjie Zhang, Yung-Chang Lin et al.








Here we report an intrinsic heterodimensional superlattice consisting of alternating layers of two-dimensional vanadium disulfide (VS2) and a one-dimensional vanadium sulfide (VS) chain array, deposited directly by chemical vapour deposition. This unique superlattice features an unconventional 1T stacking with a monoclinic unit cell of VS2/VS layers identified by scanning transmission electron microscopy. An unexpected Hall effect, persisting up to 380 kelvin, is observed when the magnetic field is in-plane, a condition under which the Hall effect usually vanishes. The observation of this effect is supported by theoretical calculations, and can be attributed to an unconventional anomalous Hall effect owing to an out-of-plane Berry curvature induced by an in-plane magnetic field, which is related to the one-dimensional VS chain. Our work expands the conventional understanding of superlattices and will stimulate the synthesis of more extraordinary superstructures.

地球科学Earth science

Enhanced ocean oxygenation during Cenozoic warm periods


 作者:Alexandra Auderset, Simone Moretti, Björn Taphorn et al.









Here we use foraminifera-bound nitrogen (N) isotopes to show that water-column denitrification in the eastern tropical North Pacific was greatly reduced during the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum (MMCO) and the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum (EECO). Because denitrification is restricted to oxygen-poor waters, our results indicate that, in these two Cenozoic periods of sustained warmth, ODZs were contracted, not expanded. ODZ contraction may have arisen from a decrease in upwelling-fuelled biological productivity in the tropical Pacific, which would have reduced oxygen demand in the subsurface. Alternatively, invigoration of deep-water ventilation by the Southern Ocean may have weakened the ocean’s ‘biological carbon pump’, which would have increased deep-ocean oxygen. The mechanism at play would have determined whether the ODZ contractions occurred in step with the warming or took centuries or millennia to develop. Thus, although our results from the Cenozoic do not necessarily apply to the near-term future, they might imply that global warming may eventually cause ODZ contraction.

Precursor-free eruption triggered by edifice rupture at Nyiragongo volcano


 作者:D. Smittarello, B. Smets, J. Barrière, C. Michellier et al.









Classical mechanisms of volcanic eruptions mostly involve pressure buildup and magma ascent towards the surface. Such processes produce geophysical and geochemical signals that may be detected and interpreted as eruption precursors. On 22 May 2021, Mount Nyiragongo (Democratic Republic of the Congo), an open-vent volcano with a persistent lava lake perched within its summit crater, shook up this interpretation by producing an approximately six-hour-long flank eruption without apparent precursors, followed—rather than preceded—by lateral magma motion into the crust. Here we show that this reversed sequence was most likely initiated by a rupture of the edifice, producing deadly lava flows and triggering a voluminous 25-km-long dyke intrusion. The dyke propagated southwards at very shallow depth (less than 500 m) underneath the cities of Goma (Democratic Republic of the Congo) and Gisenyi (Rwanda), as well as Lake Kivu. This volcanic crisis raises new questions about the mechanisms controlling such eruptions and the possibility of facing substantially more hazardous events, such as effusions within densely urbanized areas, phreato-magmatism or a limnic eruption from the gas-rich Lake Kivu. It also more generally highlights the challenges faced with open-vent volcanoes for monitoring, early detection and risk management when a significant volume of magma is stored close to the surface.

When and where to protect forests


 作者:Ian H. Luby, Steve J. Miller Stephen Polasky








Here we use a dynamic optimization approach to identify an optimal sequence for the conservation of plant species in 458 forested ecoregions globally over the next 50 years. The optimization approach includes species richness in each forested ecoregion, complementarity of species across ecoregions, costs of conservation that rise with cumulative protection in an ecoregion, the existing degree of protection, the rate of deforestation and the potential for reforestation in each ecoregion. The optimal conservation strategy for this formulation initially targets a small number of ecoregions where further deforestation leads to large reductions in species and where the costs of conservation are low. In later years, conservation efforts spread to more ecoregions, and invest in both expanded protection of primary forest and reforestation. The largest gains in species conservation come in Melanesia, South and Southeast Asia, the Anatolian peninsula, northern South America and Central America. The results highlight the potentially large gains in conservation that can be made with carefully targeted investments.


Postcranial evidence of late Miocene hominin bipedalism in Chad


 作者:G. Daver, F. Guy, H. T. Mackaye, A. Likius, J. -R. Boisserie, A. Moussa, L. Pallas, P. Vignaud N. D. Clarisse





原始材料是在Toros-Menalla化石区TM 266处发现的,有一块左股骨和一对尺骨。股骨形态和双足行走的习惯相似,尺骨则保存了大量树木攀爬行为的证据。



Here we present postcranial evidence of the locomotor behaviour of S.?tchadensis, with new insights into bipedalism at the early stage of hominin evolutionary history. The original material was discovered at locality TM?266 of the Toros-Ménalla fossiliferous area and consists of one left femur and two, right and left, ulnae. The morphology of the femur is most parsimonious with habitual bipedality, and the ulnae preserve evidence of substantial arboreal behaviour. Taken together, these findings suggest that hominins were already bipeds at around 7?Ma but also suggest that arboreal clambering was probably a significant part of their locomotor repertoire.

编辑 | 方圆

排版 | 志海



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