Causal inference has gained popularity in fields including statistics, biostatistics, biomedical science, computer science, economics, epidemiology, and various social sciences. Prof.Zhou, as the founding Chair of the organizing committee, has been hosting the Causal Inference for the 5th time. The conference aims to share the latest development on causal inference by inviting university-based statisticians/professors and industry-based statisticians/scientists. After two years of online meetings, this year, the Pacific Causal Inference Conference will be held on September 16th and 17th in a combination of offline and online.Please click the link below to review the past conferences:Website
The 2021 Pacific Causal Inference ConferenceSwarma Campus: https://campus.swarma.org/course/3574Bilibili: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1RR4y1p7Ke/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=db976cbbe46aa6087b5398bfdbeaf11cYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_PmD8W80VA&list=PLyMbXauSvLfcTLpYG5Rssb9clR1fGMpwHThe 2022 Pacific Causal Inference ConferenceSwarma Campus: https://campus.swarma.org/course/4900Bilibili: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1BX4y1k7o9/?spm_id_from=333.788&vd_source=db976cbbe46aa6087b5398bfdbeaf11cYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzJiDiTVNv0&list=PLyMbXauSvLfehzS5lQVWPFp2QD3okGMTMWorkshop: The 2022 Huawei Causal Inference CompetitionSwarma Campus: https://campus.swarma.org/course/5023Bilibili: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1xR4y1q7dQ/?spm_id_from=333.788&vd_source=db976cbbe46aa6087b5398bfdbeaf11c
Xiao-Hua Zhou, Ph.D (Chair)
PKU Endowed Chair Professor, Beijing International Center for Mathematical ResearchChair, Department of Biostatisticshttps://sph.pku.edu.cn/info/1416/4185.htm
Peng Cui, Ph.D
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Technologyhttp://pengcui.thumedialab.com/Robin Evans, Ph.D
Associate Professor, Department of Statisticshttp://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~evans/
Fang Han, Ph.D
Associate professor, Statistics&Economicshttps://sites.stat.washington.edu/people/fanghan/
Jinzhu Jia, Ph.D
Associate Professor, Department of Biostatisticshttps://sph.pku.edu.cn/info/1418/4187.htm
Theis Lange, Ph.D
Professor, Department of Public Healthhttps://publichealth.ku.dk/staff/?pure=en/persons/122712
Wang Miao, Ph.D
Assistant Professor, Department of Probability and Statisticshttps://www.math.pku.edu.cn/teachers/mwfy/
Yumou Qiu, Ph.D
Associate professor, Department of Statistics
Thomas S Richardson, Ph.D
Professor, Department of Statisticshttps://sites.stat.washington.edu/tsr/website/inquiry/home.php
Donald B. Rubin, Ph.D
Professor, Yau Mathematical Science CenterResearch Professor, Shusterman Senior Research Fellow, Fox School of Business and Managementhttps://www.fox.temple.edu/directory/donald-b-rubin-tuk42657
Linbo Wang, Ph.D
Assistant Professor, Department of Statisticshttps://www.statistics.utoronto.ca/people/directories/all-faculty/linbo-wang
Lu Wang, Ph.D
Professor, Department of Biostatisticshttps://sph.umich.edu/faculty-profiles/wang-lu.html
Ting Ye, Ph.D
Assistant Professor, School of Public Healthhttps://www.biostat.washington.edu/people/ting-ye
Fabrizia Mealli, Ph.D
Mingming Gong ,Ph.D
Associate Professor, Department of Machine LearningThe University of Melbournemingming.gong@unimelb.edu.auhttps://mingming-gong.github.io/
Kun Zhang, Ph.D
Associate Professor, Department of PhilosophyCarneigie Mellon Universityhttps://www.cmu.edu/dietrich/philosophy/people/faculty/zhang.html
The Pacific causal inference conference will be held offline+online on Beijing Time Sept 16 and Sept 17. Please mind the time difference while attending the conference.
Offline:Lecture Hall, No. 82 Jingchun Garden, Peking University
Online:Zoom Meeting
Scan the code to register:
Call for Oral Talks (Student Only)
If you have conducted relevant research in causal science in the past year, we sincerely invite you to give an oral presentation at the PCIC conference, where many top experts will be in attendance. The presentation is not limited to published works, and the specific time will be notified according to the conference schedule. If you are interested in the PCIC conference, please scan the QR code below to fill out the basic information and register.
Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research, Peking UniversityDepartment of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Peking UniversitySchool of Mathematical Science, Peking UniversityCenter for Statistical Science, Peking UniversityInternational Biometric Society – Chinese RegionBiomedicine Statistics Association of Chinese Society of Applied StatisticsMedical Mathematics Association of Chinese Mathematical Society