但关于机器人的话题,2020年10月10日曾经出现过一次,当时的题目是:Today, many tasks at home or work have been done by robots. Is this a positive or negative development? 不难看出,2020年的题目中的限制比较少,而本次题目涉及机器人与人类的未来的关系,机器人是否危险等更加具体的观点。但无疑,本次考试与2020年10月10日的考试之间存在明显的重合。那次考试的范文可以为本次考试提供重要参考。
With the advances of science and technology, more and more inventions have come into our life and work, among which robots might be the most controversial one. Some people believe that robots will play a very important role in human's future, while others suspect that they will be dangerous and may even destroy us.
On the one hand, robots can provide us with so many benefits to our life and work that they are considered extremely useful to our future. As robots can keep working for long hours and do not feel tired, they help save a lot of our time which can be put to more enjoyable or creative activities. Robots can achieve high efficiency and quality since they seldom make mistakes in their work. Furthermore, robots can work in situations impossibly dangerous for humans (cleaning up radioactive waste,for example), so they can reduce safety hazards in workplaces.
On the other hand, robots may create some problems for the society. In the first place, the use of robots in many workplaces such as construction sites and restaurants has made many jobs unavailable, thus leading to higher unemployment rate. Furthermore, as is shown in many science fiction, many people are worried that the time will arrive sooner or later when robots make independent decisions and act on their own will, and consequently, harm or even conquer human world.
In my opinion, things like robots attacking humans only appear in science fiction and movies. We do not really have to worry excessively about this kind of danger. Robots' alleged disadvantage in job market is also groundless since the use of robots can actually create new jobs as well. Meanwhile, it is undeniable that robots bring a lot of benefits by relieving us of various daily house chores and performing the most difficult and dangerous tasks for us. My conclusion, then, is that robots can absolutely make our future world a better place to live in.
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