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专刊Bioengineering (IF: 5.046,Q2)欢迎大家投稿!

日期: 来源:材料化学快讯收集编辑:材料化学快讯

专刊Bioengineering (IF: 5.046,Q2)欢迎大家投稿!

Research Topic:Advances in Bioactive Materials for Wound Healing and Tissue Repair

About this Research Topic:

Manuscript Submission Deadline: 31 August 2023

Dear Colleagues,

The concept of bioactive materials was proposed by Henhc in 1969 and refers to biomaterials that cause special biological or chemical reactions on the surface/interface of materials, promote or affect the connection between tissues and materials, and induce the cell activity or regeneration of new tissues. Conventional bioactive materials like hydroxyapatite and β-tricalcium phosphate still have many limitations in clinical applications because the complex microenvironment of living organisms requires bioactive materials to be not only biosafe and non-toxic, but also have sufficient mechanical strength and good bioactivity. Therefore, this Special Issue of Bioengineering on “Advances in Bioactive Materials for Wound Healing and Tissue Repair” aims to develop new bioactive materials that can meet the requirements of various complex clinical applications (especially in wound healing and tissue regeneration). Topics of interest for this Special Issue include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Mechanisms for the design of novel bioactive materials;

2. Novel construction strategies for developing bioactive materials;

3. Novel bioactive materials derived from inorganic materials;

4. Novel bioactive materials derived from organic materials;

5. Novel bioactive materials formed by organic/inorganic hybridization.

Keywords: Bioactive materials; Wound healing; Tissue repair



Special Issue Editor:

School of Biomedical Engineering, Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou, China

SciProfiles Address:https://sciprofiles.com/profile/1366623

1. 专刊Gels (IF=4.432,中科院2区)欢迎大家投稿!
2. 专刊Front. Neurosci. (IF: 5.152)与 Front. Mater.(IF:3.985)欢迎大家投稿!
3. 霸气!又一机构直接将Frontiers、MDPI、Hindawi所有期刊纳入“黑名单”!
4. 中科院文献情报中心2023年《国际期刊预警名单(试行)》正式发布
5. Frontiers系列期刊Hydrogel专题征稿(IF=3.515或IF=5.890两本期刊可选)


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