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Mycology 2023年1期出版

日期: 来源:科微学术收集编辑:Mycology

Mycology · Volume 14 · Issue 1



综    述

Fungal taxonomy: current status and research agendas for the interdisciplinary and globalisation era

Li-Wei Zhou & Tom W. May

中文概览 | 周丽伟研究员综述真菌分类学:研究现状与学科交叉及全球化时代的研究方向

摘要 上下滑动

Fungal taxonomy is a fundamental discipline that aims to recognise all fungi and their kinships. Approximately 5% of a practical estimate of 2.2–3.8 million species globally are currently known, and consequently the Fungal Tree of Life (FTOL) is very incompletely reconstructed. With the advances of new technologies, mycology is marching into the interdisciplinary and globalisation era. To make fungal taxonomy relevant, innovative sampling methods and phylogenomics analyses should be performed to reconstruct a much more comprehensive FTOL. In association with this densely sampled FTOL, multiomics will reveal what drives fungal species diversification and how fungal traits evolve to adapt to various environments, while metagenomics will facilitate the understanding and protection of the ecological functions of fungi. A coordinated approach to pursuing these research agendas that includes conceiving of and costing a mission to describe all the fungi on the planet will unlock potential of fungi to support sustainable development of our society.


Please cite this article as

Li-Wei Zhou & Tom W. May (2023) Fungal taxonomy: current status and research agendas for the interdisciplinary and globalisation era, Mycology, 14:1, 52-59, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2022.2103194



Novel indole diketopiperazine stereoisomers from a marine-derived fungus Aspergillus sp

Xinyang Li, Jinzhong Xu, Pinmei Wang & Wanjing Ding

摘要 上下滑动

Four dimeric diketopiperazine stereoisomers (1–4) including two new ones (1–2) had been isolated from the culture broth of one marine-derived fungus Aspergillus sp. Z3, which was found in the gut of a marine isopod Ligia exotica. The planner structures and absolute configurations of the new compounds were determined by combination of NMR, HRESIMS, electronic circular dichroism calculation, Marfey’s method as well as single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Their cytotoxicity against the prostate cancer PC3 cell line was assayed by the MTT method.


Please cite this article as

Xinyang Li, Jinzhong Xu, Pinmei Wang & Wanjing Ding (2023) Novel indole diketopiperazine stereoisomers from a marine-derived fungus Aspergillus sp, Mycology, 14:1, 1-10, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2022.2069173



Applying early divergent characters in higher rank taxonomy of Melampsorineae  (Basidiomycota, Pucciniales)

Peng Zhao, Yan Li, Yuanjie Li, Fang Liu, Junmin Liang, Xin Zhou & Lei Cai

中文概览 |微生物所揭示植物病原锈菌主要特征的演化时序,借助早期分化特征更新分类系统并建立3个新科

摘要 上下滑动

Rust fungi in the order Pucciniales represent one of the largest groups of phytopathogens, which occur on mosses, ferns to advanced monocots and dicots. Seven suborders and 18 families have been reported so far, however recent phylogenetic studies have revealed para- or polyphyly of several morphologically defined suborders and families, particularly in Melampsorineae. In this study, a comprehensive phylogenetic framework was constructed based on a molecular phylogeny inferred from rDNA sequences of 160 species belonging to 16 genera in Melampsorineae (i.e. Chrysomyxa, Cerospora, Coleopuccinia, Coleosporium, Cronartium, Hylospora, Melampsora, Melampsorella, Melampsoridium, Milesina, Naohidemyces, Pucciniastrum, Quasipucciniastrum, Rossmanomyces, Thekopsora, Uredinopsis). Our phylogenetic inference indicated that 13 genera are monophyletic with strong supports, while Pucciniastrum is apparently polyphyletic. A new genus, Nothopucciniastrum was therefore established and segregated from Pucciniastrum, with ten new combinations proposed. At the family level, this study further demonstrates the importance of applying morphologies of spore-producing structures (basidia, spermogonia, aecia, uredinia and telia) in higher rank taxonomy, while those traditionally applied spore morphologies (basidiospores, spermatia, aeciospores, urediniospores and teliospores) represent later diverged characters that are more suitable for the taxonomy at generic and species levels. Three new families, Hyalopsoraceae, Nothopucciniastraceae and Thekopsoraceae were proposed based on phylogenetic and morphological distinctions, towards a further revision of Pucciniales in line with the phylogenetic relationships.


Please cite this article as

Peng Zhao, Yan Li, Yuanjie Li, Fang Liu, Junmin Liang, Xin Zhou & Lei Cai (2023) Applying early divergent characters in higher rank taxonomy of Melampsorineae (Basidiomycota, Pucciniales), Mycology, 14:1, 11-36, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2022.2089262



Identification and pathogenicity of six fungal species causing canker and dieback disease on golden rain tree in Beijing, China

Meng Pan, Lu Lin, Chengming Tian, & Xinlei Fan

中文概览 |北京栾树枝枯病相关病原菌的多样性研究

摘要 上下滑动

Golden rain trees (Koelreuteria paniculata) are largely cultivated because of their important ornamental, medicinal, and economic value. However, they are affected by canker and dieback disease to a large extent. To determine the fungi associated with canker and dieback disease of golden rain trees, isolations were obtained from diseased branches and twigs during 2019 and 2020 in greenbelts and nurseries in Beijing, China. Isolates were identified as six species (Allocryptovalsa castaneicola, Botryosphaeria dothidea, Cytospora koelreutericola sp. nov., Dothiorella acericola, Eutypella citricola, and Peroneutypa scoparia) based on morphological features and phylogenetic analyses of ITS, act, rpb2, tef1-α, and tub2. The results of pathogenicity tests indicated that all fungi produced discoloration and Botryosphaeria dothidea was highly aggressive to golden rain tree. In conclusion, this study explored the taxonomy, phylogeny, and pathogenicity of different fungal species associated with canker and dieback disease on golden rain tree and provided fundamental knowledge to improve disease management.


Please cite this article as

Meng Pan, Lu Lin, Chengming Tian & Xinlei Fan (2023) Identification and pathogenicity of six fungal species causing canker and dieback disease on golden rain tree in Beijing, China, Mycology, 14:1, 37-51, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2022.2096144



Proposal of a new family 

Pseudodiploösporeaceae fam. nov. (Hypocreales) based on phylogeny of Diploöspora longispora and Paecilomyces penicillatus

Jingzu Sun, Shuang Yu, Yongzhong Lu, Hongwei Liu & Xingzhong Liu

中文概览 |羊肚菌“白霉病”重要病原真菌的分类地位的确立——假单隔孢科,肉座菌目新成员

摘要 上下滑动

During a field survey of cultivated Morchella mushroom diseases, Diploöspora longispora and Paecilomyces penicillatus, causal agents of pileus rot or white mould disease were detected, which resulted in up to 80% of yield losses. Multi-locus phylogenic analysis revealed that the fungi were affiliated in a distinct clade in Hypocreales. We further constructed a phylogenetic tree with broader sampling in Hypocreales and estimated the divergence times. The D. longispora and P. penicillatus clades were estimated to have diverged from Hypocreaceae around 129 MYA and Pseudodiploösporeaceae fam. nov is herein proposed to accommodate species in this clade. Two new genera, i.e. Pseudodiploöspora and Zelopaecilomyceswere, were introduced based on morphological characteristics and phylogenic relationships of Diploöspora longispora and Paecilomyces penicillatus, respectively. Five new combinations – Pseudodiploöspora cubensis, P. longispora, P. fungicola, P. zinniae, and Zelopaecilomyces penicillatus – were proposed.


Please cite this article as

Jingzu Sun, Shuang Yu, Yongzhong Lu, Hongwei Liu & Xingzhong Liu (2023) Proposal of a new family Pseudodiploösporeaceae fam. nov. (Hypocreales) based on phylogeny of Diploöspora longispora and Paecilomyces penicillatus, Mycology, 14:1, 60-73, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2022.2143919


英文期刊Mycology由中国科学院微生物研究所、中国菌物学会主办,由Taylor & Francis开放出版,多年来得到依托单位及国内外真菌学家的大力支持,呈现出良好的发展态势,已被CABI、CSA、PubMed、Scopus、DOAJ、Biosis Preview等主流数据库收录,并于2021年通过科睿唯安综合评估,进入了ESCI数据库。Mycology作为国内唯一一本自主创办的真菌学英文刊物,在本领域显示出了强大的学术影响力,欢迎大家持续关注并踊跃投稿!


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