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日期: 来源:FT每日英语收集编辑:我是小F



Apple’s market value fell below $2tn in early trading on Tuesday, extending a sharp slide that has wiped roughly $1tn off its market capitalisation amid investor fears over disruptions to its China-based factories.


The dramatic fall in the iPhone maker’s market capitalisation represents a stark reversal from the first trading day of 2022, when Apple became the only company ever to reach a $3tn valuation. Shares in the company slipped by more than 3.5 per cent on Tuesday, pushing its stock to its lowest point since June 2021.


Apple has still performed better than its peers in the past year: it has lost 27 per cent of its value in the past 12 months, versus a 33 per cent loss for the tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite.


——本文2023年1月4日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Apple’s market value falls below $2tn as tech rout hits iPhone maker




Japan’s ambitions to reboot its nuclear industry risk being set back by a shortage of engineers and manufacturing capacity that has atrophied in the decade following the Fukushima nuclear disaster.


Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s new policy calls for the construction of new nuclear power plants, raising hopes for Japanese manufacturers that are working on smaller reactors and other upgraded nuclear technologies.

日本首相岸田文雄(Fumio Kishida)的新政策要求建设新的核电站,这给正在研究小型反应堆和其他升级核技术的日本制造商带来了希望。

But the industry’s nuclear supply chain is under strain, warned industry executives and experts. The 2011 accident triggered a massive exit of more than 20 manufacturers, including Kawasaki Heavy Industries and Sumitomo Electric Industries.

但业内高管和专家警告称,该行业的核供应链正面临压力。2011年的事故导致包括川崎重工(Kawasaki Heavy Industries)和住友电工(Sumitomo Electric Industries)在内的20多家制造商大规模退出。

——本文2023年1月4日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Japan’s nuclear restart hit by engineer and manufacturing capacity shortages




Elon Musk has subpoenaed the head of Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund in litigation over a 2018 tweet claiming the Tesla chief had “funding secured” to take the electric carmaker private.

埃隆•马斯克(Elon Musk)在2018年在Twitter发帖声称这位特斯拉(Tesla)首席执行官“有资金保障”可以将这家电动汽车制造商私有化一案中,向沙特阿拉伯公共投资基金(Public Investment Fund)负责人发出传票。

Tesla’s legal team served papers to an office administrator for PIF governor Yasir al-Rumayyan on December 19, according to court documents filed in California federal court on Tuesday. Musk’s team is seeking to have al-Rummayyan, who is also the chair of Saudi Aramco, testify at the trial, which is scheduled to start in San Francisco later this month.

根据周二提交给加州联邦法院的法庭文件,特斯拉的法律团队于12月19日向PIF负责人亚西尔•阿勒鲁梅扬(Yasir al-Rumayyan)的办公室管理员送达了文件。马斯克的团队正在寻求让同时也是沙特阿美(Saudi Aramco)董事长的阿勒鲁梅扬在审判中作证,审判定于本月晚些时候在旧金山开始。

Any eventual testimony from al-Rummayyan could focus on discussions the PIF had held with Musk before his “funding secured” pronouncement. The investors who brought the lawsuit claim Musk manipulated Tesla’s stock price when he tweeted in August 2018 that he had financing in place to take the electric carmaker private at a price of $420 per share. A deal never materialised.


——本文2023年1月4日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为Elon Musk subpoenas head of Saudi Arabia wealth fund over Tesla tweet




Bricks-and-mortar retail pharmacies in the US will be able to offer abortion pills for the first time under rules changes made on Tuesday by the Food and Drug Administration, in a significant win for reproductive rights activists looking to shore up access to the drugs after the Supreme Court decision last year to overturn Roe vs Wade.

根据美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)周二做出的规定变更,美国的实体零售药店将首次能够提供堕胎药物。这是继美国最高法院(Supreme Court)去年推翻罗诉韦德案(Roe vs Wade)判决后,生殖权利活动人士寻求扩大此类药物供应的一次重大胜利。

Danco Laboratories, which distributes mifepristone, a medication used to terminate pregnancies within the first 10 weeks, said on Tuesday that the FDA had approved the regulatory change to pave the way for certified pharmacies to dispense the abortion drugs directly to patients after receiving a prescription from a doctor.

分销米非司酮(一种用于在前10周内终止妊娠的药物)的丹科实验室(Danco Laboratories)周二表示,美国食品药品监督管理局已批准这项监管变更,为获得认证的药店在收到医生处方后直接给予患者堕胎药物铺平了道路。

Under prior rules, the pills were only accessible at medical clinics or via mail-order online pharmacies, which first obtained temporary permission to distribute the drugs during the Covid-19 pandemic.


——本文2023年1月4日发布于FT中文网,英文原题为US regulator moves to expand access to abortion pills




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