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日期: 来源:天风国际收集编辑:天风国际机构研究

China Media


Digital China plan calls for ‘confident, prosperous’ digital economy; we shortlist 3 key themes and 5 major sectors

投资要点/Investment Thesis

投资要点/Investment Thesis



Digital China blueprint calls for coordinated effort by horizontal & vertical markets

A plan released jointly by the Communist Party Central Committee and State Council on 27 Feb 2023 rallies the country to build a Digital China. The policy document, which is entitled, Holistic Structural Plan for the Building of Digital China, proposes a coordinated promotional effort with the integration of both horizontal and vertical markets so that the buildout of Digital China will make headway. We studied the key points of the policy and extrapolated three focal investment themes: (1) data resources; (2) digital scenario monetization; and (3) digital content.



1. Data resources: companies gain from rising China market and policy tailwinds 

The first step of the Digital China roadmap involves setting a firm foundation by opening up access to the main highways of digital infrastructure. The second step is to smoothen data resource cycles, streamline the usage of public data, and build national data resource banks for key industries like public health, science and technology, and education, harness the potential value of commercial data, and establish a mechanism to distribute data resources according to participants’ value contributions.

Stock idea

•Zhejiang Daily Digital Culture Group (600633 CH, BUY): data resource network leader and it has invested into the construction of Zhejiang Big Data Trading Center.



1)数字文化板块:【人民网】通过大数据平台和 SaaS 化产品,向用户提供舆情大数据分析、舆情咨询研究、卫星数据应用等垂直领域的智能化、个性化、多功能、安全性数据服务;【新华网】推出在大数据智能分析基础上的系列服务和产品,以网络大数据采集、智能分析和研判为基础,提供智库类高端产品服务;【中国科传】拥有多个期刊数字化产品和知识服务平台。


2. Scenario monetization: digital economy push benefits digitalization players

China hopes to cultivate and strengthen core markets in the digital economy, research and formulate measures that drive the quality growth of its digital industry, and create an internationally competitive digital industry clusters. The policy blueprint said the buildout of Digital China will also provide reference points to assess and evaluate party and government leaders. We focus on two major markets: digital scenarios, and virtual and augmented reality/artificial intelligence generated content (VRAR/AIGC).

VRAR/AIGC stock idea

•Beijing Funshine Culture Media Group (300860 CH, BUY; initiation): it explores creative design and production services related to virtual performances.





3. Digital content: competitive content providers that build Chinese digital culture

The plan aims to grow an internet culture by boosting the supply of quality internet culture products, promoting a digital culture, implementing a rigorous strategy for national culture digitalization, building a national culture big data system and forming a Chinese culture database. Other initiatives include improving digital cultural service capabilities, creating a number of comprehensive digital cultural display platforms and accelerating the development of new cultural enterprises, cultural formats and cultural consumption models. We focus on two major sectors: games, and film and TV. 

Gaming stock ideas

•Kingnet Network (002517 CH, BUY): its competitive strength is in its Legend series of games; forward-looking portfolio of VR hardware and content.

•37 Interactive Entertainment Network Technology Group (002555 CH, BUY): a benchmarking company for the export game market; strong research and operational capabilities.

Film and TV content stock ideas

•Mango Excellent Media (300413 CH, BUY): innovative and outstanding variety show content; a competitive advantage is its integration of both upstream and downstream markets to cover the whole supply chain.

•Zhejiang Huace Film & TV (300133 CH, BUY): continuous and stable large-scale leading content output. 

Other market players: not rated

- Merit Interactive (300766 CH): digital infrastructure player involved in the construction of Zhejiang Big Data Joint Computing Center. 

- Sublime China Information (301299 CH): signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Information Center of the Development Research Center of the State Council.

- People.cn (603000 CH): big data platform and SaaS products; smart, personalized, multi-functional and secure data services in vertical markets such as public opinion big data analysis, public opinion consulting research and satellite data applications. 

- Xinhuanet (603888 CH): services and products based on smart analysis of big data, products and services based on big data network collection.

- China Science Publishing & Media (601858 CH): periodical digital products and knowledge service platforms.

- Shanghai Fengyuzhu Culture Technology (603466 CH): leading player in the Chinese digital display industry, digital scenarios in public cultural spaces such as themed pavilions, museums, and science and technology museums, cultural tourism immersive experience scenarios.

- Zhejiang Dafeng Industry (603081 CH): a key player in the new infrastructure of the cultural, sports and tourism industry.

- Beijing Ultrapower Software (300002 CH): gaming products with long life-cycle operations; NLP network.



These include industry regulatory risks; macroeconomic risks; digital technologies advancing slower than expected; and copyright risks.

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