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GEITS 专刊征稿:绿色智能弹性轨道交通系统

日期: 来源:爱思唯尔Elsevier收集编辑:GEITS编辑部

Call For Papers

物联网、云计算等新技术的出现,为智慧轨道交通的发展带来机遇,而绿色技术(如可再生能源应用、节能运营、环保实践等)有助于轨道交通的低碳智能化,提高可持续性。如何将人工智能融入轨道交通同时提高铁路运输系统的弹性成为亟待解决的问题。本刊组织“绿色智能弹性轨道交通系统”(Special Issue on Approaches to green, smart and resilient rail transportation systems, AGSRRTS)专刊,介绍最新原创成果,分享前沿观点。

1. 绿色轨道交通系统
  • 铁路运输系统与可再生能源综合优化

  • 用于铁路运输的可再生能源车辆

  • 光伏、风力发电和牵引电力系统集成

  • 光伏和轨道交通


2. 智慧轨道交通系统
  • 轨道运输的新兴计算机制

  • 轨道运输中的云或分布式计算应用

  • 轨道运输中的大数据应用

  • 轨道运输的边缘计算应用

  • 智能轨道交通智能控制与操作


3. 弹性轨道交通系统
  • 铁路运输风险评估、主动安全及应急管理

  • 铁路运输的可靠性、可用性、可维护性、安全性和互操作性

  • 能源系统与智能轨道交通的融合

  • 铁路运输能源的可及性

  • 面向轨道运输的能源系统




Jiaqi Ma,加州大学洛杉矶分校副教授,加州大学洛杉矶分校交通研究所副所长。主要研究方向为联网和自动化车辆、信息物理运输系统、交通系统弹性、分布式多智能体系统的协同控制智能交通系统、人工智能和先进计算在交通运输中的应用等。领导和管理了由美国交通部、国家科学基金会等智能交通系统领域共超过1700万美元的研究项目。担任国际期刊IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems主编、Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems副主编、IEEE ITS学会智能移动和交通5.0技术委员会联合主席等职务。








(选择Section Category时,请选择“VSI: AGSRRTS”。)




Aims & Scope

Transportation accounts for more than one-fifth of the world’s total CO2 emissions. The rail transportation sector, powered by power grid or fossil fuels, also faces a daunting challenge of decarbonization, for supporting the economy-wide carbon neutrality. Adopting alternative fuels such as hydrogen for rail vehicles and improving rail transportation efficiency are two promising strategies, but face different technological or policy barriers. It is also in urgent need to reduce CO2 emissions of Rail Transportation from perspective of WTW (Well to Wheel) and LCA (Life Cycle Assessment).

The advent of new technologies such as the Internet of Things and cloud computing has brought opportunities for the development of smart rail transportation. Smart rail transportation highlights the use of data and smart devices for rail traffic control, smart dispatch and high-efficiency organization which can improve performance of rail transportation system but have not been investigated fully. Therefore, how to incorporate artificial intelligence into rail transportation has become an urgent issue.

Resilience represent one of most important features imbodied in the sustainable rail transportation systems, the robustness to disturbances, continuity of service, recovery from interruption and quick response to environmental threatens are more and more vital to and have been ignored aspects in the construction and operation of rail transportation systems. So, comprehensive approaches to raising and imbodying resilience into rail transportation systems are in urgent need

Nowadays, green, smart and resilient rail transportation has to be intended as the way in which people access and explore the city with the help of safe, advanced and eco-friendly technologies. However, the multi-directional development of rail transportation involves multiple solutions, which creates a “paradox of choice” for planners and engineers. For example, a mass of smart system application for network-wide operation may result in high levels of energy consumption. The resilience of rail transportation system is also influenced if and when smart devices and green technologies are incorporated into rail transportation systems. On the other hand, the green technologies (such as renewable energy application, energy-saving operation, environment-friendly practice and so on) can contribute to smart rail transportation and improve sustainability. The special issue on “Approach to green, smart and resilient Rail Transportation systems” aims to provide a platform for researchers to present their cutting-edge research in addressing challenges faced in constructing the future rail transportation systems.

Topics of interest

This issue will publish original research papers, reviews, perspectives, and views & comments including but not limited to the following fields:

1. Green Rail Transportation system:

  • Potential evaluation of renewable energy in Rail Transportation

  • Integrated optimization of Rail Transportation system and renewable energy

  • Renewable energy vehicles for Rail Transportation

  • Integration of photovoltaic or wind power and traction power system

  • Integration of photovoltaic and railway stations

  • Integration of hydrogen and Rail Transportation

  • Novel electrification or re-electrification for Rail Transportation

  • Renewable energy application in Rail Transportation

  • Micro-grids in Rail Transportation.

  • Energy-saving operation of Rail Transportation

2.Smart Rail Transportation system

  • Emerging computing mechanism for Rail Transportation

  • Cloud or distributed computing applications in Rail Transportation

  • Big data applications in Rail Transportation

  • Edge-computing applications in Rail Transportation

  • Intelligent control and operation for smart Rail Transportation

  • Intelligent approaches for green Rail Transportation system

3. Resilient Rail Transportation system:

  • Risk assessment, active safety and emergency management for Rail Transportation

  • Reliability, availability, maintainability, safety and interoperability for Rail Transportation

  • Convergence of energy system and smart Rail Transportation

  • Accessibility of Energy for Rail Transportation

  • Rail Transportation -oriented energy systems;

  • Rail Transportation -dedicated energy systems;

  • Energy systems adaptive to Rail Transportation;

  • Coevolution of energy system and Rail Transportation

  • Renewable energy centric power supply of Rail Transportation.

Guest editors

Limin Jia, Beijing Jiaotong University, China, [email protected]

Mingli Wu, Beijing Jiaotong University, China, [email protected]

Jianghua Feng, CRRC Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive Institute Co., Ltd, China, [email protected]

Ping Li, China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation Limited, China, [email protected]

Yanhui Wang, Beijing Jiaotong University, China, [email protected]

Ruifeng Shi, North China Electric Power University, China, [email protected]

Zhe Zhang, Beijing Jiaotong University, China, [email protected]

Jiaqi Ma, University of California, USA, [email protected]



Green Energy and ntelligent Transportation(《新能源与智能载运》)是由北京理工大学(BIT)和爱思唯尔出版集团(Elsevier)共同打造的综合性高水平国际化英文科技期刊,采用开放获取(OPEN ACCESS, OA)平台出版。本刊已入选中国科技期刊卓越行动计划高起点新刊项目。

期刊由中国工程院院士、科睿唯安“全球高被引科学家”、北京理工大学孙逢春教授担任主编,国家万人计划、科技部中青年科技创新领军人才、北京理工大学王震坡教授和IET Fellow、国家基金委优秀青年获得者、北京理工大学熊瑞教授担任期刊执行主编。




  • 先进储能系统与技术

  • 交通电动化、智能化与网联化

  • 电动运输与电网的相互关系

  • 牵引用电力电子设备

  • 绿色智能交通基础设施

  • 载运智能化与可持续发展

  • 新材料与轻量化技术在载运工具中的应用

  • 绿色交通与可持续发展(包括碳中和)

  • 人工智能、新材料和新技术的应用








Email: [email protected]

Tel: 010-68948375


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