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哔哩哔哩: 四季度业绩整体符合预期,持续关注商业化发展进程

日期: 来源:天风国际收集编辑:天风国际机构研究




In-line 22Q4 results; watch Bilibili’s monetization progress

BUY (maintain)

投资要点/Investment Thesis

投资要点/Investment Thesis


运营数据稳健增长,社区生态持续繁荣。本季度BILIBILI MAU达3.26亿 (yoy+20%),DAU达9280万(yoy+29%),日均使用时长依旧维持在96分钟,日均视频播放量同比增加77%,Story Mode及传统PUGV模式均保持较快的增速。

22Q4 operating metrics improved as community ecosystem gained momentum

Bilibili announced 22Q4 results recently with revenue at RMB6.1bn and gross profit at RMB1.25bn; a qoq higher gross profit margin at 20.3% surpassed the 20.1% projected by Bloomberg consensus. The company narrowed non-GAAP operating expense ratio to 42.7% and non-GAAP net loss margin to 21%. Operating data improved steadily while its community ecosystem gained traction. MAU reached 326m in the quarter (yoy+20%), and DAU came to 92.8m (yoy+29%). Average daily user time was maintained at 96 minutes, while average daily video playback volume rose 77% yoy; both Story Mode and traditional PUGV maintained fast growth.



-广告:本季度广告收入达15.1亿元(yoy-5%),较3季度稳健增长。且潜力较大,正在成为广告主的首选平台。受宏观环境回暖影响,我们预计BILIBILI 23年第一季度广告业务收入将有较大恢复,yoy+22%至12.7亿。建议持续关注广告恢复情况及B站重点品类(汽车/母婴/家装家电)等市占率提升情况。

-VAS业务表现出色,本季度yoy+24%至23.5亿元,年内整体增长强劲,受益于商业化能力提升。2022年四季度,B站包括直播服务、大会员及其他增值服务在内的付费用户数量有所增加,MPU yoy+15%至2810万。

Ads and VAS performed well in Q4; segmental incomes basically met expectations

•Gaming: revenue in 22Q4 reached RMB1.15bn, down 11.5% yoy and down qoq, due to a lack of new game launches. In line with the segment’s development strategy of self-developed quality products and global distribution, it plans to launch two domestic games and six overseas games in 23H1E.

•Advertising: revenue reached RMB1.51bn, down 5% yoy but up from Q3. Advertising prospects are strong as Bilibili is becoming the platform of choice for many advertisers. Driven by a macro recovery, we expect ad revenue will recover strongly to RMB1.27bn in 23Q1E, implying yoy+22%. We suggest investors keep track of ad recovery and market share increases in core categories like autos, baby care, home improvement and appliances. 

•VAS: the business did well in Q4 with revenue at RMB2.35bn, yoy+24%. 2022 tracked strong growth through the year on improving monetization. The number of paid subscribers increased (combining livestreaming, premium membership and other value-added services) and monthly paying users rose 15% yoy to 28.1m in Q4.


Bilibili will continue to focus on drilling down cost and raising efficiency 

Cost reduction and efficiency improvements were remarkable in Q4: they led to sharply reduced operating losses qoq while gross profit margin improved to 20.3%. Non-GAAP sales, administration and R&D expense ratio narrowed qoq, while operating efficiency improved gradually. CEO Chen Rui said the company will step up execution in core business areas and will continue to drill down expenses and streamline the company. It will focus on monetization and ensure that financial targets are met even as it builds a friendly and inclusive community to adapt to a changing market, he added.


1月12日,哔哩发布公告,成功发行1534万股ADS,筹资4亿美元,主要用途包括:1)回购公司2026年12月到期的可转换票据,回购本金总额为3.85亿美元,支付金额为3.31亿美元。2)剩余所得款(约6880万美金)用作补充公司在22Q4回购若干可转换票据后的现金储备,以及用作其他营运资金用途。本次可转债回购完成后,BILIBILI 2026年12月到期可转债剩余面值仅剩4.5亿美元,整体流动性得到进一步优化。

Issued more shares to buy back converts; optimizing asset-liability structure 

Bilibili announced on 12 Jan that it issued 15.34m ADS and raised USD400m, which it will use to: (1) repurchase its convertible bonds due in December 2026, where the aggregate repurchase principal will be USD385m, with about USD331m payable; and (2) the remaining proceeds (of about USD68.8m) will supplement cash reserves depleted after buying back convertible notes in 22Q4, and other working capital purposes. On completion of the repurchase, the remaining face value of Bilibili’s convertible bonds due in December 2026 will only be USD450m, improving total liquidity.

投资建议/Investment Ideas


Valuation and risks

We expect Bilibili will maintain its gross profit uptrend on cost management and efficiency upgrades, while optimizing its asset and liability structure. We take into account its efforts to optimize the revenue mix and businesses with low gross margins, which could impact short-term revenue growth, although it would speed up longer-term profit growth. Hence, we lower our revenue forecast to RMB24.7/28.2bn in 2023/24E (previously RMB25.4bn/ 29.1bn), and include our 2025E forecast at RMB31bn. We now expect the company will post non-GAAP net losses of RMB3.8bn/1.1bn in 2023/24E (previously RMB5.6bn/2.5bn losses), and include our 2025E forecast at RMB700m. We maintain our BUY rating. 


Risks include: weaker cost management and efficiency upgrades than expected; worse-than-expected Hong Kong Stock Connect inclusion progress; lower-than-expected MAU and/or DAU growth; and market volatility.

Email: [email protected]

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