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Shanghai School News Roundup: February 2022

日期: 来源:ThatsShanghai收集编辑:

Shanghai School Open Days

First up, its School Open Day Season here in Shanghai. Click the link below to find out about a plethora of education options available, and how to head along to schools that interest you to learn more.

13 Upcoming Shanghai School Open Days

Chinese Culture Week at Britannica

It was a busy and exciting Chinese Culture Week at Britannica International School Shanghai in the first lunar month of the Year of the Rabbit. The new year brought good news and hope, as the school site reopened to visitors for the first time in three years and Britannica had the pleasure of welcoming parents to join for the celebrations!

Despite the shorter preparation time, Britannica presented a range of traditional performances in assemblies throughout the week. And the celebrations culminated with a hugely successful Spring Fair on the Friday. The children had great fun and were excited to learn more about Chinese culture, while parent helpers joined teachers running the activities, which made the day even more special.

To arrange a bespoke tour of Britannica International School Shanghai scan the QR below:

Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi announces ‘Parents as Partners’ Webinar Series

The Dulwich College Shanghai Puxi Student Services team is proud to announce the launch of the ‘Parents as Partners’ webinar series. Open to all parents, the series will cover important topics such as Positive Parenting, Social and Emotional Wellbeing, Appropriate use of Technology, Promoting Independence in Children and Teens, and more – drawing from the College's highly successful Parent Academy curriculum.

READ MORE: Dulwich Puxi Announces ‘Parents as Partners’ Webinar Series

Upcoming Parents as Partners topics:
  • 1 March 2023 | Social and Emotional Wellbeing: Ensuring a Happy, Healthy and Balanced Childhood

  • 15 March 2023 | Positive Use of Devices: Promoting Appropriate Use of Tech for Primary School Students

  • 29 March 2023 | Positive Use of Devices: Promoting Appropriate Use of Tech for Teens

Scan the QR code below to register your attendance:

Reading is the Key to Success

At BISS Puxi, students are taught that reading is the key to success across all curriculum subjects at school. Recently, Year 5 and 6 students who demonstrated a passion for reading won a signed copy of Olympic gold medalist Marlon Devonish's book. Marlon works with students on the importance of focus and perseverance in order to achieve their goals.

Early Science at DSSY

‘Discover’ is one of the keywords of the school’s mission statement at the German School Shanghai Yangpu (DSSY). Can a tea bag become a glowing fire rocket? What is behind the magic vacuum? Can water burn? Is it possible to take ice cubes out of water without wetting fingers?

On February 3, Baschukis (preschoolers) were invited to older children’s the science class. Divided into small groups, guided by their elder schoolmates, the preschoolers discovered the magic of the scientific world.

Art Education at DSSH

Knights, dragons, wild adventures… 12 second and the third grade pupils of the German School Shanghai Hongqiao (DSSH) rehearsed together in an extracurricular drama class and performed a musical full of magic.

Art education is not only an important part of general education, it also offers students the opportunity to participate in society and actively shape the future. In addition to art and music classes, performing arts are also part of the curriculum at DSSH.

Drawing, designing, singing, making music and acting not only gives children and young people room for artistic development and learning with all their senses, but also makes a significant contribution to the development of personality and social skills.

Artistic work and the realization of one's own ideas promote physical coordination and motor skills. In addition, the students are encouraged to make independent decisions, create their own plan, and find creative solutions.

Curtain up for our young drama artists!

Discover a world of Poetry at SSIS!

SSIS celebrated its annual Poetry Festival Week in February. All students were immersed in the world of poetry and fledgling writers were inspired to be part of this celebration of literature.

In Preschool, all week during circle time a new poem or rhyme was read to introduce children to the wonderful world of poetry. Little poets also recited a poem of their choice.

Primary school students were encouraged to read, write, listen to and appreciate poetry. Their wonderful original pieces of work were displayed throughout the school for others to enjoy.  

In Senior school, students and faculty shared their love for poetry in a variety of mediums and genres. Student and faculty poets recited spoken word poems in showcases.

Dulwich Pudong Class of 2023 University Offers

Dulwich Pudong Class of 2023 students have received fantastic offers from universities in the US, Canada and the UK. Offers have been received from nine universities in the QS Top 50 including offers from both Oxford University and Cambridge University, as well as multiple offers from UK medical programs.

Dulwich believe that university offers are not prizes to be won but opportunities for further challenge and growth. For all students, the challenge awaits as they prepare for exams and begin readying for the next chapter of their life. Let’s applaud all students for the hard work that it has taken to reach this point in their academic careers.

Early Offers Coming in for Concordia Class of 2023

Congratulate the Class of ‘23 who are continuing to receive offers from their best-fit colleges and universities worldwide through the spring months. As of February 8, more than 80% of Concordia’s early applicants have received an offer from one or more universities. These include universities in the top 1% worldwide (*QS Rankings 2023), top 10 US national universities (*U.S. News Rankings), and UK’s G5 Super Elite.

Concordia seniors have demonstrated a wide range of interests and are being accepted into programs that suit their passions in fields such as engineering, philosophy, computer science, economics and sustainable development, biochemistry, veterinary science, theatre, media/communications and fine arts. All seniors have been guided by counselors to choose the universities that best fit their future academic and career goals.

Wellingtonians See Another Year of Excellent University Offers

Early university applications are in full swing, and Wellington Shanghai pupils are receiving some truly impressive offers. Two pupils have the unique distinction of receiving offers from Oxford and Cambridge. Another two received offers from University College London and Imperial College.

This means that this year’s cohort has pupils who have been accepted at all four UK universities on the CS World Rankings 2023 top 10 list. This also marks the first year that a Wellingtonian received an offer from California Institute of Technology, also known as Caltech. This is the College’s highest-ranked US university offer for a Wellington Shanghai pupil.

Got Some School News You'd Like to Share?

READ MORE: We're Now Offering Exclusive Packages for Education Clients

For School News submissions or any other inquiries, please contact Christy Cai on christycai@thatsmags.com or +86 186 2035 6823 and by WeChat by scanning the QR code below:

▼For more news, click 'Read more' (阅读原文) below.


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