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环境化学细分主题会场介绍 | 2023秋季年会摘要提交即将截止!

日期: 来源:ACS美国化学会收集编辑:ACS 美国化学会


ACS 2023秋季年会将于今年8月13-17日召开,主题为:Harnessing the Power of Data。本次年会仍将延续线上、线下同时召开的模式,线下地点:美国旧金山。



  • Advanced Materials and Technologies for Detection and Treatment of PFAS and Other Emerging Contaminants

  • Advances in Isolation, Removal, Sensing, Detection, Degradation, and Replacement of PFAS and Future Outlook

  • Aquatic Science and Technology at Environmental, Disciplinary, and Societal Interfaces: A Symposium Honoring the Career of Janet Hering

  • C. Ellen Gonter Graduate Student Award Symposium (Invited)

  • Electrified Water Treatment Processes

  • Electrocatalysts and Electrochemical Processes for Water Reuse

  • Electrochemical Materials and Interfaces for Environmental and Sustainability Challenges

  • Environmental Chemistry and Nanotechnology: A Tribute to Joel Pedersen

  • Exposome Meets Chemistry - Assessing Exposures to Complex Chemical Mixtures and their Impacts

  • Field Applications of Developed & Emerging PFAS Treatment Technologies

  • General Session - Advances in Environmental Chemistry

  • Harnessing Data to Improve Oxidation and Disinfection Processes

  • Impact of PFAS on Environment and Health

  • Improving Water Quality by Understanding Environmental Chemical Processes: A Symposium in Honor of Richard G. Luthy

  • Innovative Materials for Environmental Sustainability

  • Interfacial PFAS Processes and Mechanisms

  • Materials Development to Address Environmental and Sustainability Challenges

  • Methods and Modeling for Evaluating and Mitigating Plastic Pollution in Air, Land, and Water

  • Ocean-Borne and Other Water-Borne Pollution: Effects and How to Deal with Them

  • Plastic Pollution and E-Waste

  • Plastic Waste Treatment and Valorization

  • Processes and Risks of Micro-& Nano-Plastics in the Environment

  • Radiation Chemistry, Aquatic Photochemistry, and Advanced Oxidation Processes in Environmental Chemistry in Honor of William J. Cooper

  • Remediation of Contaminated Water for Reuse

  • Role of Chemistry in Developing Sustainable Infrastructures

  • Sensors for Water Quality Monitoring in Resource Limited Environments

  • Separation, Destruction, and Monitoring of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) and Fluorinated Alternatives

  • United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #6-Clean Water and Sanitation: Current Progress, Challenges, and Future Outlook

  • Virtual Graduate Students Symposium in Asia-Pacific Region on Current Environmental Issues

  • Water-Energy-Food Nexus as it affects Public Health

  • Wildfires: Chemistry and Environmental Impacts on Air, Water, and Soil

  • Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) (Invited)

摘要提交请访问www.acs.org/acsmeeting ,找到ACS Fall 2023, 点击”Symposium/Program Chairs”, 找到感兴趣的分会场,提交摘要即可。







中国战略与科学发展总监, ACS International

*Email: [email protected]

*Mobile: 13693695943

Copyright © 2023 American Chemical Society




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