Aerobic Exercise Boosts Fitness--For Most
Many of us jog or swim or hit the gym in an attempt to keep fit, and to help ward off ailments like heart disease and diabetes. And aerobic exercise, which really gets your heart pumping and your blood flowing, is supposed to be the way to go. Because cardiovascular training generally increases what’s called the VO2 max, which is a measure of your ability to get oxygen to your hardworking muscles. The higher your VO2 max, the more fit you are. But in this study, scientists found that rigorous exercise does not boost everyone’s VO2 max. One in five participants...[full transcript]
Timmons, J.A. et al. (2010) “Using molecular classification to predict gains in maximal aerobic capacity following endurance exercise training in humans,” Journal of Applied Physiology, 108(6), pp. 1487–1496.
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