Recently, the dismemberment case of Hong Kong socialite Cai Tianfeng has sparked heated discussions on the Internet.最近,中国香港社交名媛蔡天凤被肢解一案在互联网上引发了热烈讨论。It is alleged that the person or persons who killed, dismembered and cooked her were all members of her ex-husband's family. On the afternoon of February 25, Hong Kong media reported that Cai Tianfeng's ex-husband, Kuang Gangzhi, has been arrested.据称,对蔡天凤进行杀害、肢解和烹煮的凶手是她的前夫一家。2月25日下午,香港媒体报道称,蔡天凤的前夫邝港智已被逮捕。 The media also exposed that, in his early years, Kuang Gangzhi was involved in another criminal case involving gold. But those who knew him claimed they only recently found out that he was a wanted criminal.媒体还曝出,邝某早年曾卷入另一起涉及黄金的刑事案件。但邝某的熟人声称,他们最近才发现他是一名通缉犯。 He had planned to evade capture for his involvement in Cai Tianfeng's brutal murder by absconding to Zhuhai but was arrested at Tung Chung Wharf in Hong Kong. Moments before he could board the boat, his whereabouts were exposed.他计划潜逃至珠海,以避开杀害蔡天凤一案导致的追捕,但在香港东涌码头被捕。就在登上船的前一刻,他的行踪暴露了。 According to the police, Cai Tianfeng got into a huge money dispute with her ex-husband's family, who were dissatisfied with the way she handled the family's financial estate, thus mobilizing their murderous intentions.根据警方的说法,蔡天凤与前夫一家陷入了巨额金钱纠纷,这家人对她处理家族财产的方式感到不满,从而起了杀心。 Before the accident, 28-year-old Cai Tianfeng was already the mother of four children. When she was 18 years old, Cai Tianfeng gave birth to two children (now 10 and 8 years old) from a previous marriage.事故发生前,28岁的蔡天凤已经是四个孩子的母亲。18岁时,蔡天凤在与邝某的第一段婚姻中生下了两个孩子(如今分别为10岁和8岁)。 In December 2016, Cai Tianfeng married the son of the founder of Tanzai Rice Noodles and had another 2 children. However, the two remained unregistered and financially independent.2016年12月,蔡天凤与谭仔米线创始人的儿子结婚,并育有2个孩子。然而,据说这两人并未进行婚姻登记,彼此财务独立。 The "father" of Cai Tianfeng's ex-husband was a police officer although he had retired from the police force more than ten years earlier.蔡天凤的前公公曾是一名警员,尽管他早在十多年前就退出了警察部队。 His experience and insider knowledge of police murder investigation procedures meant that he knew how to get away with murder. 他的工作经验和对警方谋杀调查程序的熟知意味着他清楚地知道如何逃脱谋杀。 He became the mastermind of the case and laid out the perfect premeditated murder plan with his two sons. In early February he rented a secluded house in Longwei Village where they intended to put their malicious murder plan into practice.据称他是这起案件的主谋,并与两个儿子一起制定了完美的谋杀计划。2月初,他在龙尾村租了一间隐蔽的房子,打算在那里实施他们的恶意谋杀计划。 The facts of the day are as follows: Cai Tianfeng's ex-husband picked her up in Kadoorie Hills, using their daughter as an excuse to see her before rendering her unconscious in the car. That afternoon, shewas taken to the Longwei Village house where she was killed, dismembered and cooked.当天的事实如下:蔡天凤的前夫在加多利山接她,以接女儿为借口见她,然后在车中将她迷晕。当天下午,蔡天凤被带到龙尾村的房子,被前夫一家杀害、肢解并烹煮。 Not long after that, several people took the boiled body parts and stumps to a second remote location and disposed of them hoping any onlookers would assume they were dumping soup dregs.不久之后,几个人把煮好的身体部位和残肢带到另一个偏僻的地方进行处理,希望旁观者认为他们是在倾倒汤渣。 Cai Tianfeng came from a good family background and even after the divorce and remarrying, she remained in contact with and often helped out her ex-husband's family. Prompting some netizens to say that "girls should not help the poor too much."蔡天凤家庭条件良好,即使在离婚和再婚后,她仍与前夫的家人保持着联系,并在经济上一直帮助他们。这也让广大网友表示,“女孩千万不要扶贫!” Seasonal flu cases in Beijing from February 13-19 increased 91 percent from the previous week, but were lower than that of 2022 and previous pre-COVID years, while no cluster COVID infections were found, according to the Beijing Center for Disease Prevention and Control.2月13日至19日,北京的季节性流感病例比前一周增加了91%,但低于2022年和新冠疫情的前几年,同时没有发现聚集性新冠病毒感染,根据北京疾病预防控制中心周三的数据。 About 23 percent of people with symptoms tested positive for the flu, a sheer spike from previous week's 4 percent. Although this was an 18 percent drop from the same period in 2022 and 61 percent fall from 2019 levels.流感样病例中的病毒阳性率为23%,较前一周的4%出现明显上升。较去年同期水平下降18%,较2019年同期水平下降61%。 The influenza A virus has become dominant, with the H1N1 sub strain accounting for 64 percent and H3N2 sub strain accounting for 35 percent.当前北京市流行的流感病毒中,甲型流感病毒占绝对优势,其中甲型H1N1亚型占64%,甲型H3N2占35%。 人民日报记者发现,近七日以来,“甲流”的搜索及报道量呈显著上升趋势,仅2月24日,就有69417的搜索量。 北京市民开始囤起了奥司他韦(Oseltamivir),对此专家表示,奥司他韦不是神药,要遵循医嘱服用。Since February, there have been clusters of fever, which are caused by flu or norovirus. Most of these clusters have been detected in school or kindergarten settings.自2月以来,出现了聚集性发热,这些发热是由流感或诺如病毒引起的,这些集群大多是在学校或幼儿园环境中检测到的。 But the overall norovirus prevalence remains at a stable low level.但诺如病毒的总体流行率仍处于稳定的低水平。 In addition to personal protection measures such as wearing masks following a positive test, the disease control authority advised schools and kindergartens to enhance health monitoring.除了个人防护措施,如在检测呈阳性后戴口罩,疾病控制当局建议学校和幼儿园加强健康监测。 Students showing fever, cough, vomiting and diarrhea are advised to stay at home, and more preventative measures could be applied if a cluster infection is detected.出现发烧、咳嗽、呕吐和腹泻的学生建议留在家里,如果发现聚集感染,可以采取更多措施。 As the new semester starts, multiple Chinese cities have reported suspension of in-person classes due to cluster fever cases, prompting concerns over the return of COVID.随着新学期的开始,中国多个城市报告称,由于聚集性发热病例,线下课程暂停,引发了人们对疫情回归的担忧。 But experts reassured the public that they could more likely be caused by other viruses or students' sudden change of schedule.但专家向公众表明,这些病毒更有可能是由其他病毒或学生突然改变作息时间引起的。 The sharp rise in temperatures, the gathering of students and higher risks of cross-infection, and some children not adapting to school schedule after holidays have jointly contributed to a lower immunity and higher chance of diseases, experts noted.气温急剧上升,学生聚集,交叉感染风险增加,专家指出,一些孩子节后不适应学校的时间表,导致免疫力降低和患病几率增加。素材来源:Global Times 推荐视频