来源 BMJ
翻译 郭世发
研究人员表示,根据他们的发现,目前零卡含咖啡因饮料在降低肥胖和 2 型糖尿病风险方面的潜在作用可能值得研究。
研究人员指出,根据之前已发表的研究,每天喝 3-5 杯富含咖啡因的咖啡与较低的 2 型糖尿病和心血管疾病风险相关。这里所提到的咖啡平均一杯含有大约 70~150 毫克的咖啡因。
为了解决这些问题,研究人员使用孟德尔随机化(Mendelian randomization)方法来找出血液中高咖啡因水平对体脂以及 2 型糖尿病和一些主要心血管疾病 [冠心病、中风、心力衰竭以及不规则心律(房颤)等] 的长期风险的影响。
孟德尔随机化方法是利用基因变异(在本例中是血液的咖啡因水平)作为某种风险因素的替代品,以获得支持特定结果 [在本研究中是体重(BMI)和 2 型糖尿病风险] 的基因证据。
近 10 000 名主要为欧洲血统的人参与了 6 项长期研究,研究人员在这些人身上研究了 CYP1A2 和 AHR 基因的两个常见基因变异的作用。这里提到的 CYP1A2 和 AHR 基因与咖啡因在体内的代谢速度有关。
基因预测的血液中更高的咖啡因水平还与 2 型糖尿病风险降低有关。
研究人员随后使用孟德尔随机化方法进一步研究了咖啡因对 2 型糖尿病风险的影响在多大程度上可能是由同时出现的体重减轻所引起的。
结果显示,咖啡因对 2 型糖尿病发病风险的影响有近一半(43%)是因为体重减轻。
但是,他们解释说,咖啡因已被公认可以促进新陈代谢,增加脂肪燃烧并减少食欲。据估计,每日摄入 100 毫克咖啡因可增加每天约 100 卡路里的能量消耗,从而可能降低患肥胖症的风险。
“我们的孟德尔随机化研究表明,咖啡因在一定程度上可能解释了咖啡摄入与 2 型糖尿病发病风险之间的负相关关系。”研究人员写道。
他们总结说:“有必要进行随机对照试验来评估零卡含咖啡因饮料是否在降低肥胖症和 2 型糖尿病发病风险方面起作用。”
【标题】Appraisal of the causal effect of plasma caffeine on adiposity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease: two sample mendelian randomisation study
【作者】Susanna C Larsson, Benjamin Woolf and Dipender Gill
【期刊】BMJ Medicine
【时间】March 14, 2023
【摘要】Objective To investigate the potential causal effects of long term plasma caffeine concentrations on adiposity, type 2 diabetes, and major cardiovascular diseases.
Design Two sample mendelian randomisation study.
Setting Genome-wide association study summary data for associations of two single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with plasma caffeine at the genome-wide significance threshold (rs2472297 near the CYP1A2 gene and rs4410790 near the AHR gene) and their association with the outcomes.
Participants Primarily individuals of European ancestry participating in cohorts contributing to genome-wide association study consortia.
Main outcome measures Outcomes studied were body mass index, whole body fat mass, whole body fat-free mass, type 2 diabetes, ischaemic heart disease, atrial fibrillation, heart failure, and stroke.
Results Higher genetically predicted plasma caffeine concentrations were associated with lower body mass index (beta −0.08 standard deviation (SD) (95% confidence interval −0.10 to −0.06), where 1 SD equals about 4.8 kg/m2 in body mass index, for every standard deviation increase in plasma caffeine) and whole body fat mass (beta −0.06 SD (−0.08 to −0.04), 1 SD equals about 9.5 kg; P<0.001) but not fat-free mass (beta −0.01 SD (−0.02 to −0.00), 1 SD equals about 11.5 kg; P=0.17). Higher genetically predicted plasma caffeine concentrations were associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes in two consortia (FinnGen and DIAMANTE), with a combined odds ratio of 0.81 ((95% confidence interval 0.74 to 0.89); P<0.001). Approximately half (43%; 95% confidence interval 30% to 61%) of the effect of caffeine on type 2 diabetes was estimated to be mediated through body mass index reduction. No strong associations were reported between genetically predicted plasma caffeine concentrations and a risk of any of the studied cardiovascular diseases.
Conclusions Higher plasma caffeine concentrations might reduce adiposity and risk of type 2 diabetes. Further clinical study is warranted to investigate the translational potential of these findings towards reducing the burden of metabolic disease.
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