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主编招募 | The FASEB Journal

日期: 来源:知云学术收集编辑:






The FASEB J Call for Editor-in-Chief 


The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) is pleased to announce a call for nominations for the next Editor-in-Chief of The FASEB Journal. All nominations will be treated as anonymous and presented for consideration to the Editor Search Committee, which is comprised of research-active biological and biomedical scientists. FASEB will approach final nominees to ascertain their interest and submit a brief vision statement.

FASEB is the nation’s largest biomedical coalition, comprising 28 scientific societies and more than 115,000 researchers worldwide, and is the recognized collective policy voice of biological and biomedical researchers. Our mission is centered around advancing health and well-being by promoting research and education in biological and biomedical sciences. The FASEB Journal is the flagship journal of the Federation, serving the global community for more than 40 years, and ranking globally as a top-cited journal across all of biology. The FASEB Journal editorship is a highly influential position with a unique opportunity to shape a leading journal; improve the overall communication of new research findings; drive new standards in rigor, reproducibility, and data sharing; and embrace an increasingly open science environment. 

FASEB seeks a visionary Editor-in-Chief, a true leader in the field. A dedicated in-house team will work with our publishing partner, John Wiley & Sons, and with a contract team of editorial support staff to ensure the Editor has the time to focus on the vision and leadership role desired. A 10-member team of Associate Editors and 90-plus member Editorial Board will be under the direction of the Editor-in-Chief, including decisions on reappointments with an eye toward improved global diversity. The successful candidate will assume the editorship on July 1, 2023, for an initial term of up to five years, with the option of renewal. The position carries a healthy competitive academic honorarium.


Qualities of an Effective Editor-In-Chief:

  • Highly respected active researcher with strong community connections 

  • Committed to diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion

  • Embraces an open science future

  • Active researcher with insight into new directions

  • Fully engaged with the community via travel and/or frequent participation in conferences

  • Dedicated to ethical, fair principles

  • Willing to be the journal's key advocate

  • Able to create and communicate strategic vision

  • Strong leader who works well in team environment

  • Excellent interpersonal communicator, resolves misunderstandings

  • Embraces innovation and technology

  • Effectively partners with FASEB staff

  • Respects confidential information

  • Promptly follows through on commitments

  • Energetic, inspiring, committed

  • Willing to learn about broader areas of science, yet defers to experts as needed 

Closing Date:February 15, 2023


Please submit the following information: 

  • Name of candidate

  • Employer affiliation

  • Contact information, including email address and phone number to Darla Henderson, PhD, Director of Publications and Staff Liaison to Editor Search Committee.

Editor-in-Chief Position Description | FASEB


The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB)

Edited By: Denis G.Baskin

Impact factor: 5.834

CiteScore: 7.9

2021 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics): 8/87

Frequency : Monthly, with an annual supplement





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  • 主编招募 | The FASEB Journal

  • 温馨提醒,知云学术现在可以查询期刊影响因子了,扫描下方二维码即可咨询,在查询过程中有不明白的地方也可以咨询我们的知云小艾。
  • 特刊征稿 | 截止2023年12月31日

  • 温馨提醒,知云学术现在可以查询期刊影响因子了,扫描下方二维码即可咨询,在查询过程中有不明白的地方也可以咨询我们的知云小艾。
  • 青年编委招募 | Aging and Disease最新IF 9.968

  • 1 期刊介绍Aging and Disease (《老化与疾病》)是老化与疾病领域中的专业期刊,也是老年医学领域全球最具影响力的医学期刊之一,于2010年由美国International Society on Aging a
  • 征稿 | 6.575分,JCR1区

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