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Springer即将截止的特刊征稿三月辑 | 寻找更匹配您的投稿方向

日期: 来源:Springer收集编辑:Springer


特刊:Extreme Ocean Waves

期刊:Journal of Marine Science and Application


客座编辑:Binbin Zhao, Yuxiang Ma, Marc Perlin  & Jang Whan Kim

This Special Issue will continue to focus on but is not limited to, the hydrodynamics of all types of extreme waves and their impact on marine structures, thus providing the state-of-the-art of all aspects of ocean extreme waves.

The Special Issue will address as a minimum the following topics:

  • Freak/Rogue waves

  • Storm wavesTsunamis

  • Internal waves

  • Wave-bottom interactions

  • Wave–current interactions

  • Wave-structure interactions

  • Associated impact and slamming forces


特刊:Organizational Sustainability and Quality of Life

期刊:Discover Sustainability


客座编辑:João Leitão, Dina Batista Pereira & Vítor Ferreira Moutinho

This topical collection aims to make available original studies about the impact of QWL on sustainable and environmental performance; and to identify innovative lean tools directed to improving quality of life at the organizational level. Thus, in the scope of this topical collection, new contributions are welcome, addressing related issues with the following topics:

  • Strategic action lines and operational indicators that can be used to quantify and monitor QWL, and sustainable and environmental performance;

  • Multidimensional and organizational assessment of QWL applied to different types of organizations (e.g. public, private, public-private, social, civic, etc.);

  • Evaluation of QWL in situations of drastic change and risk in organizational patterns of working routines;

  • Analysis of the current scenario, tendencies and future strategies of lean management practices oriented towards improved QWL and sustainable and environmental performance.


特刊:Economics of Energy Transition to Mitigate Global Warming

期刊:Discover Energy


客座编辑:Taoyuan Wei

Global warming is a global challenge and energy transition plays an important role in mitigating the global warming. It is essential for the whole energy system to become net zero emissions by 2050 to reach the target of limiting the global warming announced in the Paris Agreement in 2015. One important issue to motivate the climate-friendly energy transition is to provide sufficient economic motivations for economic agents to produce and consume more green energy and phase out the fossil fuels. Hence, the Topical Collection focuses on economic analysis of energy transition to mitigate global warming. All studies relevant to this theme are welcome. The candidate articles can be theoretical, numerical and empirical at global, regional, national, and sectoral level.


特刊:Advances in low-carbon materials and structures

期刊:Low-carbon Materials and Green Construction


客座编辑:Yuri Ribakov  & Xiaoying Zhuang

The special issue will bring together Humboldt fellows from around the world in the area of sustainable and green construction materials to summarize the latest advances in low-carbon green building materials. The topics of our special issue include but are not only limited to: Recyclable building materials; New green building materials; Assessment of building carbon emissions; Assessment of the life cycle of buildings and materials; Sustainability and future of building materials; Low-carbon building materials and structures; Low-carbon construction methods.


特刊:Astronomical Optics Manufacturing and Testing

期刊:Nanomanufacturing and Metrology


客座编辑:Daewook Kim, Gufran Sayeed Khan & Roland GEYL

Papers in all areas of astronomical optics technology, particularly the precision manufacturing, system design, and metrology topics for ground and space telescopes and instruments will be considered, including but not limited to:

  • Freeform/aspheric, steep, and conformal optics

  • Space and cryogenic optics

  • Large telescopes mirrors and lenses

  • Light-weighted or thin substrates

  • Deformable and active/adaptive mirrors

  • X-ray optical components and mirrors

  • Polarization optics and systems

  • Computer controlled optical surfacing processes

  • Single point diamond turning

  • Ion-beam / plasma / water-jet / MRF figuring processes

  • Precision CNC machining of optics

  • Molding for glass optics

  • Additive manufacturing (e.g., 3D printing) of optics

  • Coating for astronomical applications

  • Assembling telescope optics and instrument integration

  • Advanced surfacing and finishing technologies

  • Applied interferometry and deflectometry

  • Fringe projection metrology

  • Radio and terahertz optics technology

  • UV space telescope technology

  • Wavefront sensors (e.g., pyramid sensor)

  • Metrology and fabrication technology for mid-to-high spatial frequency errors

  • Environmental testing: vibration, cryogenic, vacuum (e.g., VIBE, TVAC)

  • Surface profilometry: optical and scanning probe

  • Scattering (e.g., bidirectional reflectance distribution function) metrology



期刊:Scientific Reports


客座编辑:Yasuhiro Awatsuji, Edmund Y. Lam, Tatiana Latychevskaia, Guoqiang Li & Aydogan Ozcan

Holography is the study of the use of light for storing and recreating three-dimensional data of objects. This is typically done using interference and diffraction patterns to record phase information. Holograms are now widely used in everyday life, for example in security protocols (e.g. on banknotes and credit cards). Recent advances in quantum optics and the deployment of novel quantum imaging techniques are unlocking new ways to recover phase information beyond the shot-noise limit. Furthermore, developments of SLM (Spatial Light Modulation) technology have enabled holography to become more widely accessible.

This Collection invites original research on holography, looking at holographic systems and how they can be used in modern applications.


特刊:Sustainable polymers

期刊:Scientific Reports


客座编辑:Anuj Kumar, Kwan-Soo Lee, Hamed Yazdani Nezhad & Vijay Kumar Thakur

Polymers are indispensable in many aspects of our life, but extensive and unsustainable production and consumption of synthetic polymers has taken a toll on the environment. Current ubiquity secures the integral role of synthetic polymers in the future, which makes measures like avoidance of use, or seeking alternatives, of limited practicality. However, we can tackle this global issue by imposing “sustainability” on the polymer industry, including during the processes of feedstock acquisition, materials design and manufacturing, use and recycling. An ideal life cycle of sustainable polymers might involve: starting from renewable feedstock, using green production methods, applications in renewable energy, sustainable end-of-life processes, and assessment of environmental and economic impacts.

This Collection brings together contributions from researchers across multiple disciplines to gear up the unsustainable-to-sustainable transition for the polymer industry.




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