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每日单词: enunciate

日期: 来源:巧记词根收集编辑:


英 [ɪ'nʌnsieɪt] 美 [ɪ'nʌnsieɪt]

v. 清晰地发音;(清楚地)表达;阐述,宣布 



(1) She enunciated each word slowly for her students.

(2) That actor enunciates very well.

(3) He is always willing to enunciate his opinions on the subject of politics.

(1) 她把每个字都给学生慢慢念清楚。

(2) 那演员发音很清晰。

(3) 他总是愿意对政治问题发表意见。


enunciate: e(ex: out) + nunci(to tell) + ate -> to tell or speak out clearly 清楚地讲出来 -> 解释,阐明

Usage notes

Can't get your point across? Maybe you just need to speak more clearly or articulate your thoughts better — in short, enunciate.

Good enunciation is similar to pronunciation, but describes more specifically how clearly someone expresses themselves. The word enunciate is related to the Latin words for both "announce" and "messenger." So most likely those ancient Romans who created the word wanted a messenger who could announce things without mumbling, grumbling, and rambling.


1. [VERB 动词](清晰地)念(词);(清晰地)发(音) When you enunciate a word or part of a word, you pronounce it clearly.   [V n]  [V]  [FORMAL 正式]

His voice was harsh as he enunciated each word carefully...


She enunciates very slowly and carefully.



... his grammar always precise, his enunciation always perfect.


2. [VERB 动词]阐明;清楚而准确地阐释 When you enunciate a thought, idea, or plan, you express it very clearly and precisely.   [V n]  [FORMAL 正式]

He was ever ready to enunciate his views to all who would listen.



...the enunciation of grand moral principles.




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