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JBE | Variations in the Biomechanics of 16 Palmar Hand Regions

日期: 来源:国际仿生工程学会收集编辑:仿生工程学报



Xue An, Zhiguo Li, Jun Fu, Tobi Fadiji & Sheng Zhang. Variations in the Biomechanics of 16 Palmar Hand Regions Related to Tomato Picking. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2023, 20(1),278-290.

Variations in the Biomechanics of 16 Palmar Hand Regions Related to Tomato Picking

Xue An, Zhiguo Li, Jun Fu, Tobi Fadiji & Sheng Zhang    

 1 College of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Xianyang, 712100, China.

2 The Key Laboratory of Bionic Engineering (Ministry of Education), Jilin University, Changchun, 130012, China.

3 Postharvest Research Laboratory, Department of Botany and Plant Biotechnology, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, 2006, South Africa.

4 Dynax Corporation, 1-12-7 10F, Fuchucho, Fuchushi, Tokyo, 183-0055, Japan.


The aim of this study is to systematically reveal the differences in the biomechanics of 16 hand regions related to bionic picking of tomatoes. The biomechanical properties (peak loading force, elastic coefficient, maximum percentage deformation and interaction contact mechanics between human hand and tomato fruit) of each hand region were experimentally measured and covariance analyzed. The results revealed that there were significant variations in the assessed biomechanical properties between the 16 hand regions (p < 0.05). The maximum pain force threshold (peak loading force in I2 region) was 5.11 times higher than the minimum pain force threshold (in Th1 region). It was found that each hand region in its normal direction can elastically deform by at least 15.30%. The elastic coefficient of the 16 hand regions ranged from 0.22 to 2.29 N mm−1. The interaction contact force acting on the fruit surface was affected by the selected human factors and fruit features. The obtained covariance models can quantitatively predict all of the above biomechanical properties of 16 hand regions. The findings were closely related to hand grasping performance during tomato picking, such as soft contact, surface interaction, stable and dexterous grasping, provided a foundation for developing a high-performance tomato-picking bionic robotic hand.

Fig. W1  Mechanical measurements of the 16 hand regions under v-shaped probe loading. a the v-shaped probe in contact with the top of the measured hand region in a single-column test stand, b enlarged detail of the v-shaped probe in contact with the top of the measured hand region.

Fig. W2  Measurements of the contact mechanics between human hand and tomato fruit.a, radii of curvature at the position A in two orthogonal sections, c, d radii of curvature at the position B in two orthogonal sections, e illustration of the press method at point A, f 10 contact areas pressed by the I1 and L1 regions at point A, respectively. FP—a normal force being applied to position A on the fruit surface

Fig. W3   Multiple comparison test results of 16 hand regions for four dependent variables. a dependent variable: peak loading force FL, b dependent variable: elastic coefficient λ, c dependent variable: maximum deformable displacement Dd, d dependent variable: maximum percentage deformation Dp. Two hand regions had a closely effect on a dependent variable when they showed a same number of significance.

Fig. W4   Multiple comparison test of 16 hand regions for the maximum contact force. Two hand regions had a closely effect on a dependent variable when they showed a same number of significance.




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