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文章推荐|Utilization of Whale-inspired Leading-edge Tubercles for

日期: 来源:仿生工程官方公众号收集编辑:仿生工程学报



Weijie Chen, Liangji Zhang, Liangfeng Wang, Zuojun Wei & Weiyang Qiao.Utilization of Whale-inspired Leading-edge Tubercles for Airfoil Noise Reduction. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2022,19(5), 1405-1421.                         

Utilization of Whale-inspired Leading-edge Tubercles for Airfoil Noise Reduction

Weijie Chen, Liangji Zhang, Liangfeng Wang, Zuojun Wei & Weiyang Qiao  

1 School of Power and Energy, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, 710129, China

2 China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center, High Speed Aerodynamic Institute, Mianyang, 621000, China

3 Department of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, 518055, China


Numerical studies are conducted to explore the noise reduction effect of leading-edge tubercles inspired by humpback whale flippers. Large eddy simulations are performed to solve the flow field, while the acoustic analogy theory is used for noise prediction. In this paper, a baseline airfoil with a straight leading-edge and three bionic airfoils with tubercled leading-edges are simulated. The tubercles have sinusoidal profiles and the profiles are determined by the tubercle wavelength and amplitude. The tubercles used in this study have a fixed wavelength of 0.1c with three different amplitudes of 0.1c, 0.15c and 0.2c, where c is the mean chord of the airfoil. The freestream velocity is set to 40 m/s and the chord based Reynolds number is 400,000. The predicted flow field and acoustic field of the baseline airfoil are compared against the experiments and good agreements are found. A considerable noise reduction level is achieved by the leading-edge tubercles and the tubercle with larger amplitude can obtain better noise reduction. The underlying flow mechanisms responsible for the noise reduction are analyzed in detail.

Fig. W1  Humpback whale with leading-edge tubercles.

Fig. W2  Mean and fluctuation pressure coefficient distributions on the airfoil surface.

Fig. W3  Comparison of the directivity patterns of the four airfoils.

Fig. W4   Rms values of the fluctuating pressure along various streamwise planes.



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