“Game of Thrones” v “Lord of the Rings”: a tale of old v new Hollywood
Dragons against hobbits
“Game of Thrones” v “Lord of the Rings”: a tale of old v new Hollywood
A century-old studio wages a big-budget war against a streaming upstart
Half a billion dollars’ worth of swordplay, sorcery and sex is on its way to a small screen near you. On August 21st Warner Bros Discovery launched “House of the Dragon”, a spin-off from its racy smash-hit, “Game of Thrones”, made at a reported cost of over $150m. Hot on its heels, on September 1st Amazon Prime Video will release “The Rings of Power”, a more chaste but pricier drama based on the “Lord of the Rings” books. With a rumoured pricetag of $465m, Amazon’s offering will be the most expensive piece of television ever made.
swordplay /'sɔːdpleɪ/
n.击剑;剑术 the sport or skill of fencing
sorcery /'sɔːs(ə)rɪ/
n.巫术 Sorcery is magic performed by using the power of evil spirits.
launch /lɔːn(t)ʃ/
v.开展(重大活动);发起,发动(军事袭击等) To launch a large and important activity, for example a military attack, means to start it.
n.(受欢迎的书籍、电影、电视连续剧等的)派生产品 A spin-off is a book, film, or television series that comes after and is related to a successful book, film, or television series.
racy /'reɪsɪ/
adj.(文风)生动的;(举止)活泼的;泼辣的 Racy writing or behaviour is lively, amusing, and slightly shocking.
hot on its heels
耗资逾五亿美元的刀光剑影、魔幻和情色正涌向你身边的小屏幕。8月21日,华纳兄弟探索(WarnerBros Discovery)上线了《龙之家族》 (House ofthe Dragon) 。它是红极一时的大尺度剧集《权力的游戏》 (Game of Thrones)的衍生剧,据说制作成本超过1.5亿美元。亚马逊Prime Video紧随其后,将在9月1日首播《力量之戒》 (The Rings ofPower) ,它改编自小说《指环王》,比《龙之家族》更保守圣洁,但制作成本更高。据传亚马逊这部剧投入了4.65亿美元,将成为有史以来最贵的电视剧集。
This will make for an epic ratings battle. But it is also part of a longer-running war that pits old Hollywood studios against new streaming upstarts. Warner Bros will celebrate its 100th birthday next year. Amazon, which makes its money from e-commerce and cloud computing, launched its video sideline only five years ago. As the streaming wars intensify, each side believes it has the advantage.
epic /'epɪk/
adj.史诗;叙事诗;史诗般的作品 An epic is a long book, poem, or film, whose story extends over a long period of time or tells of great events.
n.(初到某地或初出茅庐却)自命不凡的家伙 You can refer to someone as an upstart when they behave as if they are important, but you think that they are too new in a place or job to be treated as important.
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