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英文版: 招远市中矿绿色智能贵金属新材料一体化项目

日期: 来源:胶东在线收集编辑:胶东在线


  Zhongkuang Green Intelligent Precious Metal and New Material Integration Project in Zhaoyuan : the World's Unique "Harmless, Poductization, High-Value" Utilization Mode of the Whole Industry Chain


  Zhongkuang Green Intelligent Precious Metal and New Material Integration Project, is a premier project in Shandong Province, built by Zhongkuang Group, a top ten enterprise of China’s gold industry with an investment of 4.56 billion yuan and a planning area of 483 acres. The project focuses on building an industry-leading new demonstrating model for intelligent ecological smelting, with the three main functional areas. The the construction of supply section has been completed; 8 thickeners and related construction in the production section have been finished. The main structure of the intelligent extraction primary workshop has been completed, and 90% of the masonry works of the intelligent production workshop and the green recycling workshop have been completed. Basic construction is in progress in auxiliary areas such as test and R&D workshops. A multi-metal smelting and new material production base taht integrates intelligence, intensification and cleanliness will be built in 2024.


  Having not enough easily manageable orders and being unable to fully handle complicated mines are common issues within the industry. In view of the double dilemma faced by many enterprises, the project adopts the new technology of double cycle smelting and gold extraction of gold concentrate developed by Zhongkuang Group, and introduces more than 1,000 sets of high-end intelligent equipment from Metso Group, the world's leading engineering technology company, in accordance with the international first-class smart factory standards. With high standard construction of "three wastes" treatment system and comprehensive tailings recovery and utilization system, the project effectively solves the problem of difficult disposal of complex gold concentrate, increasing recovery rate of complex gold concentrate by 13%. This achieves comprehensive recovery of gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, platinum, palladium and many other elements, and truly realizes the recycling of process water, up-to-standard discharge of exhaust gas and complete use of tailings.


  After the project is completed and put into operation, the designed capacity of the enterprise will quadruple on the existing basis to 1 million tons, annually producing 60 tons of refined gold, 75 tons of finished silver, 1,720 tons of finished copper, lead and other elements. The annual sales revenue can achieve 12.5 billion yuan with a profit of 1.06 billion yuan, while reducing 150,000-ton cyanide tailings and utilizing 20,000-ton arsenic per year. The project shall build the world's unique "harmless, productization, high-value" utilization mode of whole industry chain, contributing wisdom and strength to Yantai's green, low-carbon and high-quality development.


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