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日期: 来源:计算材料学收集编辑:编辑概述




Fig. 1 A schematic diagram that demonstrates how to extract subgraphs from a original heterogeneous graph.


Fig. 2 The schematic of the working principle of the entire architecture.



Fig. 3 The overview of the sub-networks in HVNet and HTNet.

具体来说,在修正的分子动力学17(rMD17)、量子机器9(QM9)和扩展系统数据集上,HermNet分别在近75%、83%和69%的任务中优于其他测试模型。最后,作者从密度泛函理论的角度阐明了HermNet的设计如何与量子力学兼容。该研究提出了用于MD模拟的通用机器学习框架,对材料特性预测有巨大价值。相关论文发表于npj Computational Materials  8: 53 (2022).

Fig. 4 Comparison of material properties.

Editorial Summary

New Development of Molecular Dynamics: Heterogeneous relational message passing networks

In the realm of physics, chemistry, material science and biology, molecular dynamics (MD) simulation is an essential tool for modeling dynamical evolution of a many-body system. This method determines the trajectories of interacting particles by solving Newton’s equations of motion involving complex interatomic potentials. However, classical MD possesses poor transferability across tasks, while ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) is not applicable to large-scale calculations due to the high cost of rigorously treating the electronic degrees of freedom. One solution is to use machine learning (ML) methodsto facilitate MD simulations, which have yielded superior performances in many occasions. Most of ML model and process molecular systems in terms of homogeneous graph, however, in practice, graph data with multiple node and edge types is ubiquitous and more appropriate for molecular systems, which severely limits the expressive power for representing diverse interactions. Therefore, improving machine learning method is very important for MD simulations of material properties. 

A team led by Prof. Wenhui Duan from State Key Laboratory of Low Dimensional Quantum Physics and Department of Physics, Tsinghua University, presented an end-to-end heterogeneous relational message passing network (HermNet), to efficiently express multiple interactions in a single model with ab initio accuracy. This model splits the molecular or crystal graph into several subgraphs and use different message passing networks for different subgraphs. Within each subgraph, we choose a modified version of polarizable atom interaction neural network (PAINN) as the sub-network. Experiments on molecular and extended systems were performed and the results were satisfactory. Specifically, HermNet outperforms other tested models in nearly 75%, 83% and 69% of tasks on revised Molecular Dynamics 17 (rMD17), Quantum Machines 9 (QM9) and extended systems datasets, respectively. Finally, authors elucidate how the design of HermNet is compatible with quantum mechanics from the perspective of the density functional theory. This study proposes a universal machine learning framework for MD simulations, highly valuable for future materials properties prediction. This article was recently published innpj Computational Materials  8: 53 (2022).


Heterogeneous relational message passing networks for molecular dynamics simulations (分子动力学模拟中的异构关系信息传递网络)
Zun Wang, Chong Wang, Sibo Zhao, Yong Xu, Shaogang Hao, Chang Yu Hsieh, Bing-Lin Gu & Wenhui Duan 

Abstract With many frameworks based on message passing neural networks proposed to predict molecular and bulk properties, machine learning methods have tremendously shifted the paradigms of computational sciences underpinning physics, material science, chemistry, and biology. While existing machine learning models have yielded superior performances in many occasions, most of them model and process molecular systems in terms of homogeneous graph, which severely limits the expressive power for representing diverse interactions. In practice, graph data with multiple node and edge types is ubiquitous and more appropriate for molecular systems. Thus, we propose the heterogeneous relational message passing network (HermNet), an end-to-end heterogeneous graph neural networks, to efficiently express multiple interactions in a single model with ab initio accuracy. HermNet performs impressively against many top-performing models on both molecular and extended systems. Specifically, HermNet outperforms other tested models in nearly 75%, 83% and 69% of tasks on revised Molecular Dynamics 17 (rMD17), Quantum Machines 9 (QM9) and extended systems datasets, respectively. In addition, molecular dynamics simulations and material property calculations are performed with HermNet to demonstrate its performance. Finally, we elucidate how the design of HermNet is compatible with quantum mechanics from the perspective of the density functional theory. Besides, HermNet is a universal framework, whose sub-networks could be replaced by other advanced models.



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