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江山欧派: 经营韧性凸显,站在新一轮成长起点

日期: 来源:天风国际收集编辑:天风国际机构研究

Jiangshan Oupai Door 

(603208 CH)


Upgrade to BUY: operational resilience boosts Oupai’s positioning as it approaches a new growth cycle


投资要点/Investment Thesis

投资要点/Investment Thesis


Enhanced revenue model better positions Oupai for presold market boost 

The company has sharply optimized its income structure over the past two years. It accelerated its incremental revenue growth model from direct engineering services toward agency and distribution. Within the core presold housing market, we had previously recommended Oupai Doors for its high proportion of engineering projects. With its enhanced business model, the company is approaching a new growth cycle in an improving industry environment. We remain bullish about the growth potential of its agency and distribution businesses: 



Engineering agents: growing business and widening scope; order release cycle 

•In comparison with direct services, Oupai’s engineering agency business benefits more from the presold housing market. Agency sales also reduce accounts cycle pressure while optimizing the capital structure. 

•We expect its agent pool to continue to grow in 2023E: from over-100 agents in 2020 and over-400 as of end-January 2023. Strengthening cooperative ties has led agent activity to intensify, leading to a fast rising scale, while business coverage has also widened to include non-real estate customers.

•Revenue from agents increased nearly 140% yoy in 22Q3, driven by orders. We expect to see the business expand as well as widen in scope. We believe it will catalyze the real estate market.



Dealers: quantitative scale-up brought about qualitative improvements

Scale production enables full play of Oupai’s cost advantages. Increasing order volumes in its dealer channel have driven gross margin expansion and the company has greatly expanded coverage of its distribution channels in recent years, including redecoration. The number of dealers grew rapidly from over 3,000 in 2020 to over 22,000 in 22Q1-3, a quantitative increase that has brought intangible qualitative improvements such as a growing market share. It also established terminal sales channels and that has strengthened the fundamentals of customer engagement for the long term.



Other drivers: lean management; manufacturing capacity and cost optimization 

The company’s cost control continues to improve: higher production efficiency and scale economies have led to lower cost per unit. In making procurements, larger orders would increase its bargaining power. In its design business, iteration and optimization of materials and processes enable the implementation of standardized label products, which expands its cost-cutting and efficiency improvement potential.


New hope for China’s presold housing market: we expect better deliveries in 2023E

We believe that the darkest period in China’s real estate industry has passed. We expect real estate project completions in 2023E to outperform 2022. Oupai’s fundamentals are solid, in our view, with a resilient multi-cycle revenue model. As China strives to aid presold housing completions with a series of supportive policies, such as the 16-point real estate measures, this could boost the growth of China’s engineering business, which is one of Oupai’s main sales channels.


Wooden doors: market leader Oupai set to increase share of growing industry 

China’s total output from its wooden doors industry amounted to RMB160.3bn in 2021, while sales revenue came to RMB210.2bn in 2022, according to a white paper on wooden door industry development. Industry leader Oupai’s market share is currently about 2%. As it expands its business and widens its channel coverage to lower-tier cities, we believe brand recognition will increase. Rising market concentration in the future would also increase Oupai’s growth potential. We expect its engineering agency and distribution businesses to grow fast; combined with cost-effective products and operational optimization, we expect it will open a third growth driver.

投资建议/Investment Ideas




Valuation and risks

Aided by its development strategy rethink, we believe Oupai’s market share leadership will increase. Its major customer focus evolved into an omnichannel buildout, including its engineering agency business. It has not only secured real estate customers, but also diversified and expanded into urban investment projects like hotels, hospitals, schools and other markets. This has increased quality customers and widened sales categories. We believe its channel structure has become healthier. We expect incremental volume increases from strategic quality customers. With the rollout of real estate policy and catalysts such as special loans to aid presold housing completions kick in, we expect project deliveries to pick up pace while the bulk business improves.

We maintain our forecast and upgrade our rating to BUY (from ACCUMULATE). We forecast Oupai’s net profit will arrive at RMB450m/520m in 2023/24E, with PE at 22/19x. Relative to our selected peers Oppein Home Group and Arrow Home Group, and considering Oupai’s low base in 2022 aiding 2023E numbers, our PE range is 24-26.5x for 2023E, corresponding to our price target range of RMB78.7-86.9, and hence, our BUY call.


Risks include: credit impairment provisions; dealer management risks; intensifying competition; slower-than-expected channel expansion; and weaker-than-expected new housing sales or resale housing transactions.

Email: equity@tfisec.com

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