子墨子曰:“天下从事者,不可以无法仪,无法仪而其事能成者无有也。” ——《墨子·法仪》
1. 基本信息
主题:集合论中的力迫法(Forcing) 起止时间:2023/3/4 至 2023/6/3 时间:每周六下午15:00-17:00 地点(暂定):哲学系图书馆中间馆(北京大学老化学楼西配楼2层) 预备知识: 扎实的素朴集合论知识(包括序数、基数等)和一定的公理集合论知识; 由于我们使用的第一本教材从模态逻辑(Modal Logic)的角度介绍力迫法,一定的模态逻辑知识是推荐、但不必须的。
2. 简介
自从康托尔发展出集合论以来,一个根本性的问题就一直悬而未决:是否存在一个比大,比小的集合?命题“不存在一个比大,比小的集合” 被称为 CH (Continuum Hypothesis) 。
1940年,哥德尔用可构造宇宙的方法证明了 CH 与 ZFC(Zermelo-Fraenkel Axiom System with Choice)是相对一致的。1963年,柯亨(Cohen)创造了力迫法的技术,证明了 CH 的否命题与 ZFC 是相对一致的,也就证明了 CH 独立于 ZFC,为对 CH 的探究画上了句号。此后,力迫法的技术被广泛地应用于集合论研究,得出了一系列独立性结果。其中比较著名的有:选择公理独立于 ZF;决定性公理(Axiom of Determinacy)独立于 ZF。
May FORCING be with You!
3. 大纲及安排
Week 1 (3/4) Introduction
Meet peers, give introductions to ourselves and Forcing. Material: A Beginner’s Guide to Forcing
Section I: Forcing, the Technique
Week 2 (3/11) Forcing and Modal Logic 1
Material: Ch. 16,17(p.207-248) of Set Theory and The Continuum Problem.
Week 3 (3/18) Forcing and Modal Logic 2
Material: Ch. 18(p.249-258) of Set Theory and The Continuum Problem.
Week 4 (3/25) Independence of CH
Material: Ch. 19(p.259-266) of Set Theory and The Continuum Problem.
Week 5 (4/1) Independence of Choice
Material: Ch. 20(p.267-284) of Set Theory and The Continuum Problem.
Section II: Classical Forcing
Week 6 (4/8) Classical Model and Forcing Technique
Material: Ch.21,22(p.285-304) of Set Theory and The Continuum Problem.
Week 7 (4/15) TBA
Week 8 (4/22) TBA
Section III: Boolean-valued Models
Week 9 (4/29) Boolean-valued Models 1
Material: Ch.0,1(p.1-43) of Boolean-valued Models and Independence Proofs in Set Theory.
Week 10 (5/6) Break
Week 11 (5/13) Boolean-valued Models 2
Material: Ch. 2(p.44-62) of Boolean-valued Models and Independence Proofs in Set Theory.
Week 12 (5/20) Boolean-valued Models 3
Material: Ch. 3(p.63-82) of Boolean-valued Models and Independence Proofs in Set Theory.
Section IV: Different Conceptual Understanding of Forcing
Week 13 (5/27) Possibility Semantics
Material: Part of Possibility Semantics.
Week 14 (6/3) TBA
4. 材料和补充文献
4.1 阅读材料
Raymond M. Smullyan & Melvin Fitting, Set Theory and The Continuum Problem. John L. Bell, Boolean-valued Models and Independence Proofs in Set Theory. Wesley H. Holliday, Possibility Semantics. Timothy Y. Chow, A Beginner’s Guide to Forcing
4.2 补充资料和参考文献
Set Theory: Kenneth Kunen, Set Theory. Modal Logic: Patrick Blackburn, Maarten de Rijke & Yde Venema, Modal Logic.
5. 报名方式和链接